Another person died hours after being vaccinated against COVID-19 in Mexico


Mexico City Health Secretary Olivia López Arellano reported that one person died after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in Azcapotzalco.

“He left the observation, fell asleep (the person) and unfortunately died”, Explained López Arellano.

The head of health, during the press conference of the head of government of the CDMX on Monday, assured that there were no serious cases of adverse effects, after the application of the COVID-19 vaccine, on the site; only the one that was reported on Sunday concerning a person who had been vaccinated in Azcapotzalco.

“There were only mild reactions to the vaccine on the spot, sA major problem except the one that was reported yesterday which could be associated with the vaccine but which has been ruled out.

(Photo: Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Cuartoscuro)

This person was vaccinated, after some time he left the observation, when he returned home he fell asleep and unfortunately passed away. And what was done was the immediate epidemiological investigation and what this person had was already a severe heart patient, hypertensive, diabetic and his disease was even advanced enough that his catheterization had to be postponed due to lack of condition to do. this intervention..

Then it was a heart attack, it was a person who had unfortunately been vaccinated in the morning, but as already indicated, these adults are very fragile, very sick, several times an event can coincide and it is not related to the vaccine “, explained the secretary of health of CDMX.

López Arellano pointed out that there were only about ten events of discomfort in the elderly, after the application of the antigen.

Photo: CDMX Government.
Photo: CDMX Government.

“The rest are about 10 events of discomfort, joint pain, but there is no major problem.”

He explained that the epidemiological investigation showed that “he was a very fragile patient”.

“This is what we found and the epidemiological squad that it was about, it was that it was a very fragile patient, already suffering from a chronic disease, with a chronic heart disease, which had become more complicated in recent months and even in February he had been hospitalized. “

The official explained the protocol to be followed by the authorities when a suspected vaccination-related case occurs.

(Photo: Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Cuartoscuro)

“To rule out (that the death is linked to the vaccine) any epidemiological research is carried out, relatives are questioned, sThey go through – if they have – lab tests, tests of … as is the case in this situation, they have had several of the studies, the illness history of the deceased, and the sample ( COVID-19) has been collected.

I mean, that’s what you do, in general terms; is a standardized epidemiological study of (inaudible) and is reported at local and national levels

When such an event occurs – or a disease condition that is called to 911 and needs to be hospitalized – epidemiological follow-up is done immediately, a brigade is transferred to do all, say, the epidemiological study of ESAVI., which is a suspicious event associated with vaccination or immunization – these are the abbreviations for ESAVI -, to make sure that it is not related to the vaccination, or to continue researching if it could possibly be associated with vaccination. So this is always done, a sample is also taken to rule out COVID and in this case it was negative, ”said López Arellano.

(Photo: Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Germany, France, Italy and Spain have suspended the application of the Oxford and AstraZeneca vaccine against the coronavirus

Countries should continue to use the vaccine against AstraZenecaThe chief scientist of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday, whose experts will meet on Tuesday to analyze the safety of the drug.

“We don’t want people to panic and, for now, we recommend that countries continue to vaccinate with AstraZenecaSoumya Swaminathan said at a press conference in Geneva, after several countries suspended use due to concerns about blood clots in several vaccinated people.

“So far, we have not found a link between these events and the vaccine,” he added.

EFE / Kai Försterling
EFE / Kai Försterling

The scientist also pointed out that, for now, the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks associated with covid-19.

“Based on what we have seen so far in the preliminary data, there is no increase in the number of cases of thromboembolic events,” added.

However, the institution announced that its group of experts would meet on Tuesday to analyze the safety of the drug developed by the Anglo-Swedish laboratory.

The expert group “is in close contact withwith the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and we will meet again tomorrow, ”the organization’s director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Tuesday.


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