San Pablo imposes a nighttime curfew in search of …


In order to avoid the collapse of its public health system, the state of São Paulo has implemented new mobility restrictions that include a nighttime curfew. The measures will be in force at least until March 30 and will tighten those already implemented at the beginning of the month, when the closure of commercial establishments except those of first necessity has been decreed. The worsening pandemic in Brazil coincides with the circulation of new, more transmissible variants and in the middle of pressure from sectors allied with President Jair Bolsonaro demanding a change in the Ministry of Health, for the moment in the hands of General Eduardo Pazuello, whose management is the subject of a judicial investigation.

Given the rapid increase in hospitalizations for covid-19, the São Paulo government was forced to switch from the so-called “red phase” of its containment plan to an “emergency phase”. In this new, more restrictive step, the state suspended collective religious and sporting activities, closed construction material stores and prohibited access to beaches, which had recorded a large influx of people in recent weeks.

From March 15 to 30, between 8:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. local time, residents of São Paulo will be subject to a curfew. Parks and beaches are closed, offices must work remotely, and authorities have called for classes to be reduced to a minimum.

San Pablo Governor Joao Doria announced a new field hospital in the capital São Paulo on Monday that will have 180 new beds. Doria again harshly blamed Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, whom he called a “denial” and a “death myth” for his questioned handling of the pandemic. “Brazil has become a global disgrace,” he said. the Social Democratic leader, who looks like a potential candidate for the 2022 presidential elections.

In absolute terms São Paulo, the economic engine and the most populous region of Brazil, is the state of the country most affected by covid-19, with 2.2 million infections and 64,123 disease-related deaths. In the middle of a delicate panorama, President Bolsonaro on Monday began a second round of consultations with doctors to change the head of the Ministry of Health under pressure from his center-right allies in Congress.

The government reported in a statement that The President met on Sunday at his official residence with cardiologist Ludhmila Hajjar, criticizing the official management of the pandemic and in favor of quarantines and restriction measures to stop infections. Hajjar herself He rejected the offer on Monday and said he had received death threats. “Science is above ideology”he said during a dialogue with CNN.


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