“The judiciary must resist”: Felipe Calderón joined the criticism against AMLO for his position before the judges


    File image (Photo: EFE / Francisco Guasco)
File image (Photo: EFE / Francisco Guasco)

The former Mexican president, Felipe Calderón, criticized the harsh accusations against the judiciary during the morning conference today, March 15, by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Through his Twitter account, Calderón Hinojosa mentioned: “The attack on judges reflects not only ignorance of the rule of law, but above all and worryingly, the authoritarian spirit of the government. The judiciary must resist and grow in the face of the threat, if its members want to make history with dignity ” (sic).

The tweet already has more than 7 thousand likes, although reviews vary between approval of the words of the former president and reminders on words of Minister Arturo Zaldívar on the alleged threats he received from Calderón.

“I agree with you, Mr. Felipe Calderón, it is a pity that you did not apply this principle about 3 decades ago”replied a user.

Tweet from Felipe Calderón criticizing the charges against the judiciary (Photo: screenshot from Twitter @FelipeCalderon)
Tweet from Felipe Calderón criticizing the charges against the judiciary (Photo: screenshot from Twitter @FelipeCalderon)

On March 9, the Electricity Industry Law was published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF). for its entry into force. Two days after, Judge Juan Pablo Gómez Fierro has temporarily suspended the application of the reform in which the protection claims that have been made are resolved.

President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, indicated that the brake on the law is due to the fact that companies are upset, because in the past they benefited from leonine contracts. He also noted that the judges of the The judiciary acts like subordinate employees and does not protect national interests.

After the promulgation of the law, National and international companies have taken refuge in front of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin), justifying that the new law does not respect free competition and only favors public companies.

File image (Photo: Government of Mexico)
File image (Photo: Government of Mexico)

Due to the brake on reform, Minister Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea, president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) shared a message on his social networks: “Federal judges act with independence and autonomy. The CJF guarantees that they can exercise their function in complete freedom. Its decisions can be appealed, but always respected from the point of view of judicial independence ”.

It is not the first time AMLO and the judiciary are involved in a controversy, on September 20, as part of the government’s report to the National Palace, the The president mentioned that he had promoted autonomy in the institutions responsible for delivering justice in the country..

However, also underlined and underlined the absence of the Minister-President, Arturo Zaldívar, whom he invited, “Look how things have changed. I invited the Attorney General of the Republic and the President of the Supreme Court of Justice and they could not attend “, he mentioned during this event.

File image (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)
File image (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

The Electricity Industry Law was taken up by the President this morning at the morning conference, as he reported that will send a letter to Minister Zaldívar clarify points on the suspension of the reform, because it considers that on this occasion, they acted quickly, while on other issues, there is a delay in access to justice.

This AMLO action caused strong reactions from public opinion, both for and against, which were followed in networks with the hashtag #OutCorruptedJudges Yes Judicial power, where users debate the role of nation powers.

It should be remembered that this reform of the law was sent by the President to the Chambers and has been approved by them without any change, a situation for which the MORENA benches have been distinguished. Another point that has been made is that favors the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and relegates other companies, both national and international.


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