Morena supported AMLO in his crusade against a judge who suspended his electricity reform


Morena supported AMLO and his demand for the judiciary, which has been so criticized by the opposition (Photo: Courtesy of Morena)
Morena supported AMLO and his demand for the bench, which was criticized so much by the opposition (Photo: Courtesy of Morena)

Brunette, the most powerful party in Mexico, on Monday supported the president’s appeal, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who sent a letter to the judiciary requesting that a federal judge be investigated that it failed “quickly” to temporarily suspend the entry into force of the reform of the electricity industry of the current administration.

“Morena joins the call of the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador and calls for an investigation into the motives for stopping the reform of the law on the electricity industry“The ruling party said in a statement.

“In 2013, PRIAN’s energy reform privatized our energy industry and became in the hands of a few private actors who weakened the Federal Electricity Commission imposing on it high costs of production and distribution of energy and forcing it to subsidize a few companies, ”they added, referring to the two main opposition parties which ruled before Morena.

The suspended reform would explicitly benefit the parastatal CFE to the detriment of private companies and clean energy companies (Photo: Antonio Ojeda / EFE)
The suspended reform would explicitly benefit the parastatal CFE to the detriment of private companies and clean energy companies (Photo: Antonio Ojeda / EFE)

“Our president has always fought so that Mexican resources are for the Mexicans, against the privatizations which have benefited little, and understood that to regain our energy sovereignty and security and that there can be equitable access to energy for the whole country, we need to strengthen our industry, ”they argued.

For this reason, they completed, sent to Congress a reform of the law on the electricity industry “which gives priority to the interests of the people over private interests”. “Today By an injunction of the judiciary, they seek again to reverse this reform», They added.

However, they pointed out to Morena, “They did not understand that this Fourth Transformation consists in seeking the well-being of each one”. “It is obvious that behind this action are involved the interests of the former neoliberal regime which has always put influentialism at the forefront, which responds to the economic and political interests, and not to those of the Mexican people”, they declared. .

From Morena we will not allow the looting of the heritage of Mexicans to continue

Zaldívar's response to AMLO (Photo: Courtesy of CJF)
Zaldívar’s response to AMLO (Photo: Courtesy of CJF)

Finally, they mentioned that they will respect the autonomy of the judiciary, but appealing to the basic principles of the party, namely not to steal, not to lie and not to betray. “We call on supporters and activists to unite again to defend the sovereignty of the Mexicans and not allow the corrupt and conservatives to continue to benefit from the monopolization of resources. the country’s public ”, they concluded.

And it is that this Monday morning, during his usual press conference in the morning, the Mexican president announced letter sent to the President of the Supreme Court, Arturo Zaldívar, asking him to determine whether Judge Pablo Gómez Fierro has the power to grant the temporary suspension reform of the law on the electricity industry, after its entry into force.

He also asked Minister-President Zaldívar to, if necessary, launch research on the subject. The reform, sent by López Obrador to the legislative power, was approved by both chambers of the Mexican Congress, dominated by Morena, her party, with just a few cosmetic changes.

AMLO counterattacks send letter to SCJN over suspicion of judge (Video: Government of Mexico)

Zaldivar, for his part, responded a few hours later. “As you know, it is a prerequisite for democracy and the rule of law that judges can act within a framework of autonomy and independence”, expressed in his own letter, made public by the Federal Judicial Council (CJF), where he is also chairman of the plenary.

It is up to the CJF to ensure that they can do so freely and, likewise, it is up to this body to ensure that judges behave in accordance with the law, with honesty, good reputation and complete impartiality. . We will continue to accomplish this task

In addition, Zaldívar assured that López Obrador’s letter and his complaint will be sent to the corresponding section of the CJF, which coordinates the work of all federal judges in the country, and that, if necessary, an investigation will be opened with “full respect for the autonomy, independence of the judicial function, as well as the guarantees which protect it ”.


“Autonomy and independence”: this is how Arturo Zaldívar, president of SCJN, responded to AMLO’s letter
“He doesn’t know we live in a democracy”: PAN lawmakers against AMLO for criticizing judge
“It’s vile authoritarianism”: Lilly Téllez and another fierce critic of the AMLO government
“The judiciary must resist”: Felipe Calderón joined the criticism against AMLO for his position before the judges

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