Baby born with antibodies to COVID-19 after mother received vaccine in United States


An umbilical cord scan showed the girl was born with anti-covid-19 antibodies (Video capture / NBC)
An umbilical cord scan showed the girl was born with anti-covid-19 antibodies (Video capture / NBC)

Health worker vaccinated against COVID-19 in Florida gave birth to a girl with antibodies to the disease, something which is, according to the doctors who verified it, the first known case to date in the world.

The girl’s mother was 36 weeks pregnant when she received the first dose of the vaccine developed by the Moderna laboratory, and which he accessed by be at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19. The girl was born three weeks later, at the end of January.

An analysis done on the umbilical cord showed it was born with COVID-19 antibodies, they told the TV station. WBPF pediatricians from Palm Beach (southeastern United States) Paul Gilbert and Chad Rudnick, who will publish an article on the case in the medical journal MedRxiv.

“As far as we know, this is the world’s first reported case of a baby born with COVID-19 antibodies after his mother was vaccinated.”Gilbert said. There have been reports of mothers with the disease whose babies were born with antibodies. An episode was also recorded in which the son of a mother who had had an asymptomatic case – and a negative test – also developed antibodies, which led researchers to classify the case as a case of “passive immunity.” Through the placenta.

“Further studies are needed to determine the duration of this protection”, explained one of the pediatricians who follows the case (EFE / Jorge Núñez / Archivo)

Pediatricians analyzed the newborn’s umbilical cord to see if the mother had passed on the antibodies, as happens with vaccines against other diseases, and they found it to be, which Rudnick considers. important in the fight to protect children from the disease of the current pandemic.

“This is just a small case of what will be the thousands and thousands of babies born in the coming months to mothers who have been vaccinated,” Rudnick said.

However, in the article which MedRxiv has accepted and is pending publication, Florida pediatricians warn that There are factors that indicate that newborns of vaccinated mothers may still be at low risk of infection.

“Further studies are needed to determine the duration of this protection. You need to determine the level or number of antibodies a baby needs for protection “Rudnick said.

Some large pharmaceutical companies are starting to include pregnant women in their ongoing vaccine studies to learn more about the transmission of antibodies to babies, Gilbert said.

With information from EFE


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