Unusual proposal: They suggest in Brazil to spray alcoholic gel from an airplane


RIO DE JANEIRO.- A local Brazilian lawmaker suggested use helicopters and planes to spray your city with alcohol gel in a desperate attempt to clear the coronavirus from the air. The puzzling proposal surfaced in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul on Monday, as Brazil is grappling with the deadliest phase of its 13-month epidemic and the country’s Covid-19 death toll has exceeded 282,000.

At a meeting of local politicians in the tourist town of Canela, councilor Alberi Dias questioned whether aerial spraying with alcoholic gel (typically used for hand sanitizing) might help.

“We have many entrepreneurs here who own helicopters and planes… I’m not sure if there is a liquid version of alcohol gel, but I think spraying would be a good idea since the virus is in the air. It’s like something from another world, ”Dias said, according to the Metropoles news site.

“They use planes to water the crops”reflected the 50-year-old politician, whose condition is currently plagued by a dizzying number of infections and deaths. “Maybe that’s a good idea because the alcohol gel doesn’t hurt.”

Another adviser would have laughed at the proposal made by Dias, whose official website carries the slogan “When politics is led by honest men, the people will only benefit”.

Social media quickly echoed the proposal and many wondered what would happen if cinnamon smokers decided to light up. “This guy is ready to become Minister of Health,” tweeted one user, referring to President Jair Bolsonaro’s decision to fire his widely ridiculed Minister of Health Eduardo Pazuello, in which more than 260,000 Brazilians died of Covid -19.


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