Digital migration: how to find a job abroad without leaving your home


The remote work allows you to work outdoors without having to leave the country, without leaving the house, in what we call “Digital migration”. But what should be taken into account to find a job in another country without leaving home.

According to an Adecco report, “Argentine talent exports continue to increase in the global market. Almost the 40% professionals would be ready to emigrate, driven not only by curiosity and interest in supplementing training with experience abroad, but above all by the search for better economic spending ”.

See the file: Poll: 8 out of 10 Argentines would go to work in another country if they had the opportunity

This is why it is spoken “Digital migration” that, according to Adecco, “these are professionals who work remotely, who invoice and Bank account outside. With the difference in exchange, it is more profitable to pay for good Argentinian talents ”.

How to find a job abroad

1.To look for a job abroad, the first step is to adapt the CV in the international market. “In many countries it is also mandatory to request a cover letter. Documentation will vary by country. For this reason, it is important to decide first on the destination, know what documentation to have and then start applying, ”the report says.

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Almost 40% of professionals are ready to emigrate.

2. Another important point to keep in mind is to search for international online job sites “such as Indeed and MonsterJobs, which operate in several countries around the world and only take a few minutes to complete. create a profile with the necessary and detailed information on the academic and professional experience, as well as the achievements and, only on request, a photo with your best angle ”.

Although many prefer to leave the country to work in another country, emigrating is not so easy because you have to leave everything and start over in another country.

What other countries are looking for

But as remote working has become widespread with the pandemic, “the ability to hire staff no matter where they are physically located,” the report said.

At the regional level, in countries such as Chile, Mexico or Colombia, professionals are sought to occupy managerial positions in companies. Europe and the United States attract Information Technology (IT) professionals

Depending on the country, part of Latin America (such as Chile, Mexico and Colombia) is looking for professionals in high-level positions who run companies.

See the file: The economic crisis leads to a new wave of youth emigration

Europe and the United States are characterized by the attraction of professionals related to information technology (IT. “JAVA developers, experts in computer security and software engineering are generally the most sought-after professionals. D ‘on the other hand, engineers and healthcare professionals are also in high demand, ”Adecco explains.

Despite this possibility, many prefer to emigrate. “The most important source markets for nomads are the United States and Europe, but some Latin American countries (such as Mexico and Chile) are not far behind,” he explains. Antonela Colella, Director of Operations Services at Adecco Argentina.

Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is one of the industries most Argentines demand in the United States and Europe.

“Today, families are leaving already formed, with children of school age, who seek to build a future for their children and Spain appears as destination most chosen because of the language, because of the cultural proximity and because even if they do not have a legal residence, boys have the right to education and to the public health system, ”he adds.

The wages they pay

And he explains: “In general, these are young professionals who leave good jobs to start from scratch abroad. Medium-high and high sectors of dependent workers, although there are also independent professionals who decide to look for other horizons ”.

And how are the salaries of these countries? In Spain, the average monthly salary is 1,500 euros; in the United States, US $ 5,160; in Chile u $ s 440; in Paraguay, about US $ 370; in Uruguay, 605 dollars, in Canada, 1,479.5 euros.

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