They will suspend all flights to certain countries and keep borders closed to tourists


President Alberto Fernández and the governors of all provinces finished agreeing today that all flights to certain countries where strains of coronavirus such as Manaus are present will be suspended and borders will be closed to international tourists.

The national government will announce the new restrictions in the coming hours, but all flights to Brazil, Paraguay and the UK could be canceled, as the head of state discussed with provincial leaders.

The reduction in flights will go from 40%, which would be the case in the United States, to 100%, which would be the case in Brazil.

In addition, controls will be tightened at Ezeiza International Airport so that people who leave the country return with negative PCR studies and must be isolated for at least ten days at an address identified by the authorities, even if they have a negative result. .

Fernández told governors the task of getting more vaccines is proving difficult given that 80 percent of doses are concentrated in 18 countries. To avoid a worsening of the health situation, the reduction in flights would take effect between the end of this month and April, for an unspecified period.


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