Scandal due to the massive contagion of Argentinian students in Cancun: they issue an ultimatum to the 143 young people who remain stranded


There are still 143 Argentine students stranded in Cancun those who received an ultimatum from their schools to return to Argentina, due to the restrictions imposed.

They gave us an ultimatum. Yes, today he gave us to drink until the 25th, but we did not know what was going to happen on the 25th and we made sure today, in the time that we wanted to take advantage of it, here we are wasting 2 days ”, Pablo said, accompanied by Belén, two students from Buenos Aires, whose return was scheduled for March 20.

However, their school forced them to return immediately, they pointed at the gate Televisa news and they assured that the deadline to return to Argentina is March 25.

Hundreds of Argentinian students traveled to Cancun to celebrate the end of the year and their graduation, but upon their return to the country they were found infected with COVID-19 Photo: (Serigraph Noticieros Televisa)
Hundreds of Argentinian students traveled to Cancun to celebrate the end of the year and their graduation, but upon their return to the country they were found infected with COVID-19 Photo: (Serigraph Noticieros Televisa)

Belén and Pablo were invited at the airport to present the PCR test and the sworn letter not to have COVID-19, in order to return to their country.

There are 87 boys in one hotel and 56 in another. They’ll stay there until they’re released», The portal reported TN of the portfolio headed by Felipe Solá, in consultation with the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (COFEPRIS), under the Ministry of Health of the Government of Mexico.

1,500 Argentines arrived in Cancun last month.

“There are 24 young people who have tested positive and who are fourteen years old under the supervision of the Secretary of State for Health,” said Fernando Mora, social communication coordinator of Quintana Roo.

    The company Moon Travel allegedly took them to take their samples for the detection of the coronavirus in the laboratories of Marbu, which released false negatives Photo: (Serigraphy Noticieros Televisa)
The company Moon Travel allegedly took them to take their samples for the detection of the coronavirus in the laboratories of Marbu, which released false negatives Photo: (Serigraphy Noticieros Televisa)

“The strange thing that one hundred percent of those who have traveled have tested negative,” Eduardo Raimondi, father of one of the infected students, said on Monday.

For his part, Eduardo Rabufeti pointed out that his daughter is infected, however, she is in good health despite having tested positive with 10 other people, so she is isolated for 14 days at the Moon Palace hotel, where they are staying and where he checks her, a doctor every day.

This Tuesday, the governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín González, indicated that non-essential activities will be limited by decree until April 15 for the bureaucrats and thus avoid the rise of infections with the next Easter holidays. However, he pointed out that from March 22 to 28, 2021, the epidemiological fire will be yellow, low risk due to the decrease in the contagion rate.

Cofepris has suspended the laboratory that issued the alleged false tests to Argentinian students Photo: (Imagentv silkscreen)
Cofepris has suspended the laboratory that issued the alleged false tests to Argentinian students Photo: (Imagentv silkscreen)

To continue to protect the health of those who work at @GobQuintanaRoo, I decree the extension of the suspension of non-essential face-to-face work from March 16 to April 15, 2021“He reported on his Twitter account shortly before 1 pm.

They suspended the lab that performed the tests

Quintana Roo government confirmed that the Secretary of State for Health, through the Directorate of Protection against Health Risks, has applied a provisional suspension of the Marbú Salud laboratory, while the corresponding investigations are carried out from the case of more than a hundred young Argentines who have visited Cancun.

The laboratory was not registered with the Ministry of Health Photo: (Imagentv silkscreen)
The laboratory was not registered with the Ministry of Health Photo: (Imagentv silkscreen)

An official statement says that the health authorities of Quintana Roo oversee both the equipment and documentation that the Laboratorio Marbú Salud must have, It consists of a health report, operating notice, health officer, procedures manual and what is established in NÓMINA-007-SSA3-2011 for the organization and the operation of clinical laboratories.

The governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín, said that in the state and in particular in Cancun, 99% of the more than 10,000 diagnostic tests for Covid-19 all the days that were forced to leave the country for other countries are and they were correct and efficient.

He also warned that asked the Attorney General’s Office to open an investigation to detect possible sellers of false evidence near the airport from Cancun.

PUERTO MORELOS, QUINTANA ROO, MARCH 13, 2021.- National and foreign tourists enjoy the beach and the weather during this long weekend.  The state is in a yellow light due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  PHOTO: ELIZABETH RUÍZ / CUARTOSCURO
PUERTO MORELOS, QUINTANA ROO, MARCH 13, 2021.- National and foreign tourists enjoy the beach and the weather during this long weekend. The state is in a yellow light due to the Covid-19 pandemic. PHOTO: ELIZABETH RUÍZ / CUARTOSCURO

He said he had asked the National Guard to monitor around Cancun airport to prevent these types of illegal practices.

Currently, 113,000 international tourists are in Quintana Roo, 80% of whom are from the United States.

The Ministry of Health of Quintana Roo has announced that there are 150 laboratories that have been verified by the Directorate of Protection against Health Risks and have all the documentation and processes in accordance with the standards of the regulations for the detection and the diagnosis of the disease, which can be viewed in the link


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