the third wave is a fact and it will not be possible to stop it with vaccines


Faced with this scenario that makes the authorities fear that the figures explode again at the end of 2020, Spahn called for patience. “When the people most at risk are vaccinated, we can talk about the openings. We still have to be patient. “

The vaccination campaign is progressing slowly in Germany, as in most of mainland Europe. Only the UK, a country that left the EU on January 1, has a good vaccination rate.

Young people take care of yourself

For its part, Lars schaade says the numbers for infections again increased “exponentially”. In his opinion, the reason would be the variant or strain B117 of the virus, discovered in the United Kingdom. In addition, the number of patients with Covid-19 is also increasing in intensive care units. “More and more people will die from Covid-19”, Said Schaade harshly. “Very difficult weeks await us,” he added.

“It is very possible that at Easter we will be in a situation similar to Christmas, with numbers of very high infections, many severe fatal cases and very overcrowded hospitals, ”explained the expert. Schaade made a call on citizens to reduce their contacts and to maintain safety rules, such as ththe use of masks and physical distancing. “Spend Easter with your loved ones. I also ask you to avoid traveling inside and outside the country,” he recommended.

El Instituto Robert Koch called on young people to take care of themselves with more determination, good intubated and deceased patients are now younger. “We see it in hospitals, patients have changed. They are getting younger and younger now they are the least protected, ”Schaade said, referring to the fact that the elderly are already vaccinated, which has reduced the incidence of cases between them.

The expert from the second government party, the Social Democratic SPD on health issues, Karl Lauterbach, announced that if the trend continues, in April they will have to “lock us up again”. If it is not confined “quickly and firmly”. , the solution will take longer, he realized. In Hamburg, meanwhile, the threshold of 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants having been exceeded, the authorities have decided to put an end to the relaxation of the measures and to reimpose certain restrictions.

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