70-Year-Old Man Charged with Free Air Travel Fraud Drops More Than 30 Times | the Chronicle


Authorities United States they stopped a “serial font” trying to board a plane without paying ticket, at Chicago Airport.

The arrest of Marilyn Hartman, 69, it came two weeks after a judge rejected a plea deal that would have granted probation for a previous attempt to take a flight without paying.

The woman left the accommodation where she was under electronic surveillance. It was thanks to the device’s alarm that Cook County officers were able to track her on her way to O’Hare, as she was activated, as she approached Terminal 1, where she was arrested. Now they are looking to add flight costs.

According to the defendant, his first flight without paying a ticket was in 2002 to Copenhagen (Denmark). “The second time I flew to Paris “, added. In August 2014, she was arrested in the Los Angeles Intl Airport after flying without a ticket from San José. About six months later, she moved from Minnesota to Florida and was arrested while trying to check into a hotel under someone else’s name, for whom she was. accused of phishing fraud and other crimes, RT reported.

In 2018, the woman boarded a plane from Chicago to London without a ticket, but she was deported upon arrival in the UK so as not to have a passport.

The following year, she was arrested while trying to go through security checks at the same American airport without a boarding pass or ID.

Due to his background, a court hearing was held two weeks ago in which his defense and the prosecution reached a plea deal. 18 months probation, plus mental health treatment. However, the judge Peggy chiampas rejected the sentence.

In an interview, Hartman explained that he was suffering from a self-diagnosis “whistleblower trauma syndrome”, which made him feel the “need to take a plane to go”. However, he eventually admitted that suffered from bipolar disorder and even argued that she was the victim of a global conspiracy to harass her, which was apparently led by the former US president, Barack Obama.


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