Federal justice has rejected the dismissal of Julio De Vido in a case of illicit enrichment


Julio De Vido (Gustavo Gavotti)
Julio De Vido (Gustavo Gavotti)

Chamber IV of the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber is declared today unfounded The extraordinary resources filed by the defense of the former Federal Planning Minister, Julio De Vido, against the rejection of two complaints – rejected by the cassation – seeking that the former official be rejected in a case of illicit enrichment.

This is a cause that emerges from the investigation into the “Notebooks” or Not only the former Kirchner official is accused, but also several of his relatives and assistants.

The court composed of the judge Mariano Hernán Borinsky -president- and judges Javier Carbajo Yes Angela Ledesma declared the extraordinary resources inadmissible for most.

The representative of the prosecution had requested the extension of the charge for the crime of money laundering. Tax Carlos stornelli stated that it should “know whether all the assets detected so far in cars and / or others which are ultimately held and considered to have been incorporated since 2003 in the assets of the accused and / or third parties to those related, could have resulted from maneuvers of conversion, transfer, administration, sale or any other possible action by which the goods of a criminal offense were concealed or put into circulation – whether this is revealed in the framework of the case 9.608 / 2018 and its related offenses and / or any previous crime that the investigation eventually determines- ”.

It was following this expansion of the prosecutor that the defense of the former minister requested its annulment and also filed an exception for default of action due to the absence of the crime.

Finally, faced with the inadmissibility dictated by both federal magistrates and the Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires, the judges who are members of Chamber IV of the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber They rejected what had been requested, stressing that what had been decided “was not subject to reconsideration before this proceeding. since the relative questions elucidated in the record do not constitute a final judgment and there is no arbitrariness which would allow this rule to be excluded.

From Vido in the Courts of Comodoro Py (Maximiliano Luna)
From Vido in the Courts of Comodoro Py (Maximiliano Luna)

The investigation was initially under the responsibility of the prosecutor Alejandra Mangano. When it was his turn to intervene at the time, Mángano assured that by evaluating only what the accused declared virgin, and without having the information on one of the daughters of De Vido who is monotax, between the end of 2002 and the last day of 2015 “The assets of those surveyed increased by more than 2,740%, while their assets increased by more than 3,165%”. Later, the case of the illicit enrichment of De Vido was added to the Case notebooks in which Stornelli and the late judge intervened Claudio Bonadio.

Last October, the judge Marcelo Martinez De Giorgi, which subrogates the tribunal that belonged to Bonadio, has brought part of the case in which De Vido is accused to an oral and public trial. It is the one that corresponds to the illicit enrichment of Nélida Caballero who worked as the former minister’s cook and could not justify an increase in assets of more than two million pesos.


Cassation rejected De Vido’s claims in illicit enrichment case
The case against Julio De Vido for illicit enrichment passes under the orbit of judge Claudio Bonadio

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