The Pope’s Angelus: sowing seeds with examples, not words


Today, the fifth Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis reflected from the Apostolic Library on the Gospel of the day according to John, inviting us to sow seeds of love “not with words blown away by the wind, but with concrete, simple and courageous examples “.

Mireia Bonilla – Vatican City

Today, the apostle John recounts an episode that occurred in the last days of Christ’s life, shortly before his passion: while Jesus was in Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover, some Greeks, curious of what he was doing, expressed their desire to see. They approached the apostle Philip and said, “We want to see Jesus.” Felipe says it to Andrés, then together they will tell the Master. Pope Francis assured this midday before praying the prayer of the Marian Angelus, that at the request of these Greeks “you can see the supplication that many men and women, in all places and at all times, address to the Church and also to each of us: ‘We want to see Jesus. ‘

Immediately the Holy Father asked: How does Jesus respond to this request? and replied, “in a thought-provoking way.” It goes like this: “The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified. […] If the grain of wheat does not fall to the ground and die, it remains alone; but if he dies, he bears much fruit. “Francis emphasizes that these words” do not seem to answer the request of these Greeks “because in reality they” go further. “In fact, the Pope emphasizes that” Jesus reveals that He, for any man who wants to seek him, is the hidden seed ready to die to bear much fruit ”as if he said:“ if you want to know me and understand me, look at the grain of wheat which dies in the earth, look at the cross ”.

The crucifix as a “tree of life”

Francis also stopped to reflect on the sign of the cross, recalling that over the centuries “it has become the emblem par excellence of Christians”. In fact – he says – “who today also wants to” see Jesus “, perhaps coming from countries and cultures where Christianity is little known, what do they see first? What is the most common sign that you find? The crucifix. ”The Pope explains that the crucifix is ​​found in churches, in the homes of Christians, even on his own body, but the most important is“ that the sign conforms to the Gospel: the cross can only express love, service, abandon yourselves without reserve: it is only in this way that the “tree of life” is truly found, of superabundant life ”.

Responsibility of Christians

“Many people, often without saying it implicitly, would like to ‘see Jesus’, meet him, know him,” continues the Pope, and this is why it is important to understand the great responsibility of Christians and of our communities: “We too must respond with the testimony of a life given to service. Of a life which takes on the style of God, closeness, compassion, which gives itself in service “. It is – he emphasizes -” to sow seeds of love not with words that the wind is blowing, but with concrete, simple and courageous examples. “,” not with condemnations of hatred but with gestures of love. “Francis assures us that it is then that the Lord, with his grace,” makes us bear fruit, even when the ground is arid because of misunderstandings, difficulties, persecutions, allegations of legalism or moralism “.

Finally, remember that it is precisely in trial and solitude, while the seed dies “that life sprouts to bear ripe fruit in due time” and that it is in this web of death and death. life “that we can experience joy and happiness. the fruitfulness of love” and he repeats once more: “which is given according to the style of God: closeness, compassion and tenderness”.


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