Rugby players faced exit from bowling alley and young man ended up being interned


A 21 year old young man years ended today interned in intensive care in Mar del Plata, due to injuries sustained during a fight between two groups of rugby players clubs in the city at the exit of a bowling alley, according to police sources.

The event happened early in the morning when at least seven players from Sporting and Mar del Plata clubs faced each other with punches after leaving the Quba dance hall, located on North Escollera, in the Playa Grande district.

Police sources said one of the rugby players, identified as Santiago blautzik, received blows to the face and body, resulting in loss of some teeth and injuries to the face.

The young had to be transferred by SAME ambulance to the private community hospital, where he remained in intensive care.

According to the first inquiries, the two groups had argued inside the bowling alley, and when they left the place, they got into a fight in the street.

Staff of the Argentine Naval Prefecture and members of the 9th Police Station. they intervened on the spot after the fact.

The prosecutor Leandro Arévalo, head of the functional instruction unit 7, officially opened an investigation for the crime of “injuries”, in order to determine possible criminal responsibilities.

The lawyer ordered the analysis of the security cameras of the place and ordered the testimony of fact witnesses as part of the investigation.

Gustavo Blautzik, the father of the young man hospitalized, detailed: “According to the first versions, Santiago was hit from behind, then they hit him to the ground, so lost consciousness for a long time and convulsed in place“.

And he added, “I found out at 5 am when my daughter woke me up to let me know that they had taken her by ambulance to the hospital, a horrible situation. They did plaques and studies, and when a neurologist saw him in the morning, he didn’t even know what day it was. He was able to recover a little later, but he is still in therapy“.

The young man’s father explained that in the next few hours file a complaint against the alleged aggressor, and also pointed out that he had asked to see the bowling alley’s security cameras “to get details of what had happened”.

Telam Agency


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