Vladimir Putin is vaccinated against the coronavirus and cr …


The Russian President, Vladimir Putin announced that tomorrow Tuesday he will be vaccinated against the coronavirus. “Vaccination is, of course, a voluntary choice of each person, a personal decision of each one,” Putin said during a video conference during which he denounced the “strange” criticisms of the European Union to the Sputnik V vaccine. .

“In particular, I intend to do it myself tomorrow”the 68-year-old Russian president added, Russian Sputnik news agency reported. The president will apply the first dose of the vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Institute,

In December of last year he said he would be vaccinated “without fault, hardly possible”. “I follow the recommendations of our specialists and that is why so far I have not had the vaccine, but I will do it without fail when possible”, remarked the head of the Kremlin, when asked about it .

At the time, he explained that he had not yet done so because he was not in the age range of those to whom it applies. “The vaccine has yet to reach people like me,” Putin said in December, who on October 7, 2020, was 68 years old.

European suspicion against Sputnik V

Hours before the Russian president announces his vaccination, the developers of the Russian coronavirus vaccine they targeted him to European Commissioner Thierry Breton, who is in charge of the distribution of vaccines for the European Union and has declared that he does not need to acquire Sputnik V.

Bias lead to failure. And Breton’s failures are clear to many in the EU, ”they said. on the official Russian vaccine Twitter account, alluding to the delays suffered by the vaccination campaign in Europe.

Putin then returned to the subject. “When we hear these kinds of statements, the question arises: ‘What interests do these people defend ?; Those of pharmaceutical laboratories or those of European citizens? We don’t force anyone to get vaccinated, ”he said.

Breton, who is responsible for the industrial aspects of manufacturing the COVID-19 vaccine in the EU, told French network TF1 on Sunday that Europeans “will not need Sputnik V at all” because other drugs are approved .

“Sputnik V is a complementary vaccine, we have 350 million doses,” said the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, who also assured that “the Russians have difficulties in manufacturing it and (that) without a doubt we will have to help them. “

Sputnik V was initially greeted with skepticism abroad, but its reliability was validated in February by the scientific journal The Lancet.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is currently reviewing your application for type approval. EU officials accused Moscow of “propaganda” with Sputnik V.

Following criticism from Russia, the EMA has decided to send its experts to this country to examine the clinical trials of Sputnik V, as announced by Russian Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko. “On April 10, a group of EMA experts will familiarize themselves with and review the clinical trials that have been carried out in our country,” Murashko said during a televised meeting with Putin.


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