An injustice against Bolsonaro (a drop of irony …


From Rio de Janeiro

Due to the rush of the Brazilian media, or perhaps their inability to understand, far-right president Jair Bolsonaro more and more he becomes an obvious victim of a series of injustices.

This Monday, for example, the criticism of a sentence by the president was unanimous: “We are on the right track, despite a very serious problem that we have been facing since last year. But Brazil is an example. We are one of the few countries at the forefront of the search for solutions ”.

Instead of getting to the bottom of the statement and effectively understanding Bolsonaro’s intention, the media rushed, in unison, to remember that For the past seven days, Brazil has been the country with the most deaths every 24 hours, with twice as many deaths as the United States.

In another example of injustice, they also point out that across the country the healthcare system – private and public – is on the verge of collapse., and that horror scenes are spread across virtually every city, with corpses piled up in hallways or in containers, with sick people being treated on the ground or inside ambulances, and cScientists, doctors and researchers warn of the risk that by the end of April, the number of daily deaths will reach the 5,000 mark.

They also highlight growing warnings from the World Health Organization that the Brazilian tragedy may spread to other countries, neighbors first, but the entire planet later.

If they had a minimum of poise and honesty, those same critical media would have to remember that, as in previous cases, one of Bolsonaro’s clearest characteristics stands out here: consistency.

They will also remember that this time it is linked to all presidential attitudes since the pandemic was imposed on Brazilian soil.

From day one, Bolsonaro was clearly against the severity of the coronavirus, against individual and collective protective measures, against vaccination, against everything.

He remembered something obvious – we will all die one day – and this hunger kills too.

It is urgent to save him from such injustice.

Brazil is surely on the right track to approach half a million deaths. The very serious problem facing your government is the very strong insistence of those who are trying to prevent this goal from being achieved. Brazil is an indisputable and insurmountable example of how a president can impose genocide on his people.

If there is an error in the presidential words, it is in affirming that this country is one of those which are at the forefront in the search for solutions. No, no, His Excellency the President of the Republic: Brazil is isolated at the forefront in the search for solutions to end the lives of its people.

Enough injustices: that their coherence be recognized. And let it be recognized around the world that my country is ruled by genocide surrounded by infamous accomplices.

And that someone, an organization, an international tribunal, an institution, any government, help us to eradicate it as quickly as possible. Y llevarlo, junto a sus cómplices, in especial el general activo que sigue en el ministerio de Salud, to a tribunal que lo juzgue, condene, y luego lo deposite en alguna cárcel para que ahí viva hasta su último suspiro, que ojalá tarde muchísimo arriving.


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