After Sanctions From World’s Main Democracies Over Xinjiang Genocide, China, Russia Call For UN Security Council Meeting


China and Russia call for a meeting of the permanent members of the UN Security Council.  In the photo you can see the Foreign Ministers of the two countries Sergei Lavrov and Wang Yi (EFE)
China and Russia call for a meeting of the permanent members of the UN Security Council. In the photo you can see the foreign ministers of the two countries Sergei Lavrov and Wang Yi (EFE)

After the sanctions that the main democracies of the world – the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and the European Union – imposed on the regime of Xi Jinping for the violation of human rights and the extermination of ethnic minorities in the region of Xinjiang, China Yes Russia today called for a meeting of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Councilexplore solutions to common problems of humanity through direct dialogue and maintain global stability“.

In a joint statement released today, following a two-day official visit to China of the minister of Russian foreign affairs, Sergey Lavrov, the two countries declared that “In the context of growing international political turmoil, there is an urgent need to convene the permanent members of the UN Security CouncilWith the above mentioned goals.

We call on the great world powers, in particular the permanent members of the UN Security Council, to build mutual trust and take leadership in safeguarding international law and order based on international law.»Addition of text.

All because “the world has entered a period of turbulent change” in which “the continued spread of the coronavirus has accelerated the evolution of the international scene, the system of global governance has become unbalanced, the process of economic development has been impacted“Y”new global threats and challenges have constantly arisen“.

Faced with such a panorama, Beijing Yes Moscow called on the international community to “put aside your differences“, Work for greater coordination and for the maintenance of peace, as well as for construction”of a more just, democratic and reasonable multipolar international order“.

A perimeter fence around what is officially known as a vocational training center in Dabancheng, in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Reuters)
A perimeter fence around what is officially known as a vocational training center in Dabancheng, in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Reuters)

In the opinion of China Yes Russia, “the way of dealing with international affairs must be based on principles widely recognized by international law “, which they regard as” the cornerstone of the development of society.“.

Likewise, Lavrov and its Chinese counterpart, Wang yi, they saw democracy as “one of the achievements of human development“, Although they pointed out that”there is no uniform standard for the democratic model” and “interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states under the pretext of promoting democracy is unacceptable“.

Lavrov I manage to China este moons para una visita que concluye hoy y que, según expertos citados por la prensa estatal china, busca adjustar y coordinar estrategias en un momento de tension con Estados Unidos, especialment en lo que concierne in Rusia, cuyas relaciones con Washington se han deteriorado considerably in the last days.

Vaccine schedule

Russian and Chinese diplomacy officials on Tuesday criticized Westerners’ coronavirus vaccine policy and defended themselves against those who accuse them of “opportunism“, Emphasizing that they do not want that”Save lives“.

These statements are produced in the Russian vaccine licensing process Sputnik V in the European Union, judged too slow by Moscow.

Brussels in turn reproaches Russia Yes China which are “instrumentalisation of vaccines for propaganda purposes“. Western countries “they try to portray Russia and China as opportunists in what has been called vaccine diplomacy. And this is not true“Russian Foreign Minister said on Tuesday, Lavrov, who is on an official visit to China.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov attends meeting with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Guilin, China (Reuters)
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov attends meeting with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Guilin, China (Reuters)

The vaccine policy should “be guided by criteria of humanity, by the interest of saving lives and not by geopolitical or commercial issues to leave competitors aside“He added, quoted by Russian news agencies.

Rather than saying that China wants to carry out some kind of vaccine diplomacy, it would be better to say that China is carrying out humanitarian action.», Underlined his Chinese counterpart Wang yi. “Our intention from the start has been that as many people as possible get a vaccine as quickly as possible.“He insisted.

A group of experts from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will travel to Russia around April 10 to analyze clinical trials with Sputnik V, according to the Russian Minister of Health, Mijaíl Murashko.

Several EU countries, for example Hungary, are already administering Russian and Chinese vaccines, not yet approved by the European regulator, to speed up their vaccination campaign.

(With information from EFE and AP) .-


US, EU, UK and Canada sanction Chinese officials for human rights violations

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