Border tension increases: FARC destroyed Maduro regime’s customs office in Venezuela


This is how the region of Victoria was abandoned after an attack by FARC-EP

A group of FARC dissidents attacked a Venezuelan army border post on Tuesday La Victoria, on the border with Colombia, tension is increasing in the region after the military attack on a guerrilla camp that took place on Sunday.

Although there is no official information on the facts, the residents of La Victoria, located in Apure state, announced the guerrilla offensive. The attack left the area without electricity, according to accounts on social media.

The dissent of the guerrillas – in this case it is the group led by pseudonyms Gentle Duarte– He has also deployed a communication offensive that seeks to captivate the sympathies of the population, in many cases displaced by the fighting that broke out this weekend.

To this end, the FARC-EP issued a statement entitled “Public complaint” and in which they claim to reject “violation of international humanitarian law by the Bolivarian armed forces to the peasants and the civilian population. These armed forces carried out kidnappings and demanded payments for the release of civilians (extortion), they also committed looting and criminal acts, camouflaged in military actions and achievements in combat ”.

They stress that “from Sunday March 21, from 6.30 am, large-scale operations began, with the use of the air force and ground troops, in which the attack on bombing, displacement and aggression was carried out against the civilian population, ”taking care to reflect that in reality the attack by the Venezuelan army was aimed at the alias Farley camp.

The FARC declaration
The FARC declaration

The second point of the statement reads: “From the attacks of March 21 to today, we have reported more than 600 people of the civilian population displaced by Venezuelan troops”, while mentioning that “nearly 32 in 36 arrests of the civilian population, with which the Venezuelan armed forces demanded payments for their release ”.

While it is true that there are many complaints from residents about abuses by the military, many of whom looted homes and stole property from residents, it is also true that the guerrillas take advantage of the vulnerability of the border and the terrible economic situation of Venezuelans to use them as allies of their interests, who are not altruistic at all.

The customs post before its destruction by FARC dissidents (Daniel Fernando Martinez Cervera / @ ElCirculoarauca)
The customs post before its destruction by FARC dissidents (Daniel Fernando Martinez Cervera / @ ElCirculoarauca)

From aggressors to defenders

The FARC, which in the press release does not clearly identify which sector of this organization they refer to, although it is obvious that they respond to the FARC-Gentil, says that “Bolivarian Shield units that have entered Victoria and surrounding communities are looting homes and stealing vehicles, cell phones and computers.”

“We specify that the reports presented by the Bolivarian Forces show seizures of cars, computers and illegal substances as belonging to us., which is FALSE information, because not only is there no seizure of our material goods, but the Guard with the Special Action Forces – FAES, carry out infamous actions of looting the community ”.

Sweet Duarte.  dissident of the Farc (Colprensa - Germán Enciso)
Sweet Duarte. dissident of the Farc (Colprensa – Germán Enciso)

Always enthusiastic about the defense of the population, he says “The murder of several civilians who have not yet been identified has been reported, whose victims were caused by unilateral attacks by Bolivarian forces. In addition, we add that there are no wounded or injured among our troops in the context of the clashes, therefore, this action is a serious violation of international humanitarian law, as we insist that the attacks are against the civilian population. “

The guerrillas continue to speak of the Venezuelan people as “The city which is the legacy of Bolívar and Chávez” and stressing that the FARC-EP rejects “the actions of looting and unilateral hostilities, by the Venezuelan armed forces towards the civilian population”.

They assure that they, the FARC.EP, “At no time did we carry out attacks against these forces or the Venezuelan civilian population. The FARC – EP, as revolutionary forces, we have always been on the side of the worthy Bolivarian struggle against the incessant imperialist aggressions, therefore, we are and will be the first to dispose of our forces, in favor of the defense of the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people in the face of the aforementioned attacks against brother territory ”

They describe as denigrating that “under the alleged defense of sovereignty and Chavismo, it is camouflaged that the order of hostilities responds to the individual and corrupt advantages of members of this army, who are not interested in the struggle and the collective interests. and the defense of his city “.

Although this is unusual, and as if they were a binational guerrilla, they express to the Venezuelan and Colombian population “our commitment to the defense of the territory against the imperialist and oligarchic attacks against our class, therefore, we insist on the defense of the life of the civilian population”.

FARC dissident Iván Márquez and Jesús Santrich are believed to be in Venezuela
FARC dissident Iván Márquez and Jesús Santrich are believed to be in Venezuela

They urge the “Venezuelan government to investigate these serious events, in order to establish and clarify the actions against the civilian population, in recent days, moreover, that those responsible for this situation, therefore, assume responsibility before the process revolutionary. Unjustified assault actions against the civilian population ”.

And to finish They “demand” that hostilities against the civilian population cease “immediately and the support of human rights mechanisms, to safeguard the life and integrity of communities ”.

The FARC intern

While the relationship between the FARC and the Bolivarian government was that of comrades, the guerrilla organization has never recognized its presence on Venezuelan territory, while the top government has denied it time and time again, although there has been thousands of proofs of his active life at the border.

The FARC apparently split into three groups. The first is one of those with Tymoshenko they continued to enjoy the Peace Agreement, with positions in Parliament, economic benefits, privileges and without having to pay for the crimes they committed against the Colombian government and its people. Second: those who returned to arms with multiple excuses, including Jesus Santrich e Ivan Marquez, with the New Marquetalia. Third: dissidents who did not accept the Peace Agreement, including Gentle Duarte, with the aliases Arturo, the aliases Farley and others.

Over time, Santrich-Marquez and Gentle Duarte, both called FARC dissidents, entered into conflict for control of territory in Venezuela. The first receives the blessing of Maduro and other senior officials of the Venezuelan government, while the second is very installed and strengthens its control, for example in Apure, refusing to leave the territory as they had said by various sectors of the revolution.

The Venezuelan Armed Forces, on Sunday 21, carried out their third attack against the FARC-Gentil, which on the night of Tuesday March 23, 2021 responded to a surprise attack against a military command in La Victoria, in the state of Apure.


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