More tension on Colombian and Venezuelan border: FARC clash with officers who have been in Apure for years


Military mobilization in Apure

As the Special Action Forces (FAES) and Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) commissions moved towards the Venezuelan border from Caracas and other parts of the country, The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) have also established themselves in the parish of Urdaneta, in the state of Apure., to support the Ferley alias. Yesterday, Wednesday March 24, there was numerous guerrilla calls with government officials with whom they have had a relationship for years and also with the military, although some of Apure they refused to answer phones.

Given the strong pressure that has been undergone in the border area since the Venezuelan armed forces decided early Sunday morning to attack the alias Ferley camp and the area under the command of alias Arturo, some facts have unfolded in a dizzying way.

Among the guerrillas’ arguments is that those who designed these attacks are generals, in particular of the National Guard and some of the army, in the state of Apure, with which they came into conflict. Senior officials have long caused much ado about their relationships with irregular groups, very ostentatious and without wanting to leave the Apure state.

The wake of the two officers killed in Apure by the FARC
The wake of the two officers killed in Apure by the FARC

The appointment of the head of the global defense zone (ZODI), major general (Ex) Robinson José Vera Cumare, according to resolution 036808, it was two months before the regular military changes, and after they abolished, without any explanation, the GD Ghimi José Santini Reyes. In the dark framework of the military situation, the general is assassinated, in an apparent theft. Sergio Negrin Alvarado, when he was about to take the post of head of regional command No. 35 in Apure.

A military source revealed to Infobae What “This relationship between the generals and the Tenth Front has been noted on several occasions since the military operation that Major General Robinson Vera Cumare organized last year.He said in reference to the event of September 19, 2020, of which a military report spoke of 15 illegal deaths, whose corpses never appeared. On this occasion, four Venezuelan soldiers were assassinated: Lieutenants Augusto David Linares and Miguel Ángel Mora, as well as Sergeants Gabriel Pérez Silva and Reiber Chirino Reyes.

“These generals Vera Cumare and Corona Preciado contested with the tenth front the control they had over the river for years, especially in what they call the path of Jururu and Los Cedritos, where there are even women. Roman where the cattle passing through Colombian territory, in addition to the amount of food, iron and anything else. The vaccine for everything that happens there is billed by the tenth front ”.

Congressman Orlando Zambrano
Congressman Orlando Zambrano

Chema and Zambrano

The military operation, on Sunday March 21, 2021, resulted in the deaths of Major (ex) Edward Ramón Corobo Segovia and First Lieutenant (ex) Yonathan Miguel Duarte, when one of the vehicles stepped on an anti-personnel mine, which he has of the FARC. sown in the places he controls.

For this reason, José María Romero alias Chema, mayor of the municipality of Páez de Apure, who was an active member of the Venezuelan guerrilla group Bolivarian Liberation Forces (FBL), later called the Patriotic Forces of National Liberation (FPLN), describes as “Daring” as “the armed groups”, of which he said he intended to occupy the territory “they had the audacity to place anti-personnel mines which cost the lives of the soldiers of our FANB“.

Although the mayor of Paéz tries to ignore it, the government, the armed forces and the inhabitants of the border know that the guerrillas, as well as the paramilitaries, they sowed anti-personnel mines on the border territory. On February 16, 2019, one of these mines killed an officer in Zulia. And on August 6, 2018, another mine amputated the legs of Sergeant Bryan Acosta, who later died in the military hospital in San Cristóbal.

A spokesperson for the FARC who lives in Apure

Another who came out to speak was the MP Orlando zambrano, also recognized in Apure for being part of the FBL / FPLN guerrillas, who stated that supported the actions of the FANB in ​​the state against “a group which intends to settle in the territory and set up a drug trafficking structure and supplant the role of the State”.

Zambrano assures that he is hitting “a drug trafficking structure that is functional for the Colombian state and the North American empire to continue attacking Venezuela.” You are not hitting a left movement or a revolutionary organization, you are hitting a drug trafficking structure which has planted mines on the territory to affect the population ”.

Chema, mayor of the municipality of Páez de Apure
Chema, mayor of the municipality of Páez de Apure


The night before the attack, aka Ferley left, with his security rings, the camp he had a few miles from La Victoria, leaving only a small group of fighters behind. The FANB claims to have captured 32 irregulars, but did not disclose their names.

Through sounds and videos, several spokespersons for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), from the wing alias Gentil Duarte, associated with the alias Arturo and alias Ferley, and confronted with the wing alias Jesús Santrich and alias Iván spoke. Mark. They look confused. Some have expressed threats, others are trying to reestablish good relations and even withdraw their forces. Of what there is no doubt, it is his permanence and his life on Venezuelan territory.

In one of the sounds, we hear an individual, with a Colombian accent, say: “Halt the people, let them come, let them dare with white flags, so that they do not bombard them, so that they don’t massacre them. . Let them stand up to defend their property, because they are used to acting like criminals and they come to loot the houses and then they will bomb them to say that the guerrillas are still there, whereas it is ‘is a lie’.

The electric company van on its way to La Victoria to restore power when it was attacked by the irregular
The electric company van on its way to La Victoria to restore power when it was attacked by the irregular

“We are not looking for houses, we are swarming among the bushes and there we will wait for them as long as necessary. Talk to the people who, if they need heifers to eat, we will help them, ”he concludes by saying.

In another of the sounds, one hears: “If, as a people, you propose to go out in the street, with the flags of peace, demanding peace, we the FARC, the tenth front will support you. Don’t worry, we’re not going to be obstacles. We are against repression. We see ourselves as revolutionaries, we don’t have to sue revolutionaries, but if they are not revolutionaries, let them keep looking for us and we will be there“.

He adds: “We are convinced of the fight and we will continue, some bombs will not silence us, because we are used to it.“. Ironically, he says that people “realize the revolutionaries who ruled the country“, Adding that” they claim to be revolutionaries and took refuge in the revolution to starve a people, like Venezuela today, while some are living well. It is not a revolution ”.

“Today they send soldiers who earn 20,000 pesos a month to be killed, while others profit from this war. And the North American Empire and the Colombian oligarchy are profiting from this war, ”he said.


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