They murdered their father with hammers and knives, who raped and tortured them for years | the Chronicle


Three russian sisters stabbed and hammered to death to his father as he rested in an armchair in his home in Moscow to end with years of torture and rape. Now the judge of this country has recognized the three young women as “victims” of man, who is considered a “advanced” in this case, said his lawyers.

The violent crime took place in July 2018 and shocked Russian society. The accused are the young women Married 17 years, Angelina from 18 and Krestina Khachaturyan 19-year-olds, who admitted to killing their father after he subjected them to years of physical, mental and sexual abuse.

In recent weeks, the Russian courts have accused them of having planned the death of their father. The charge was for “conspiracy to assassinate a group”, with a sentence that has between 8 and 20 years in prison. Now this situation could change.

Indeed, the commission of inquiry this month opened a criminal case against his late father, Mikhail Khachaturyan, for a fee of sexual assault, coercion to commit sexual acts and torture.

Krestina Khachaturyan, the eldest of the sisters.

Alexei Parshin, one of the lawyers for the Khachaturyan sisters, told the Moscow Times that he hoped the charges would be dropped. If your father is found guilty, “This is further proof that they have been attacked repeatedly over several years and that their lives and safety were in danger.”Parshin said.

“The investigation has already established that they had suffered grievous bodily harm. This indicates the state of self-defense necessary where they were. If they were in a state of necessary self-defense, they cannot be found guilty and the charges against them must be withdrawn. “added.

Women’s rights activists, meanwhile, say sisters should receive psychological rehabilitation rather than jail time Yes they demand that the father be tried posthumously, which could happen.

The details of the spooky crime

According to Russian media, the sisters planned to kill their father and assaulted him while he was in his chair: the miner stabbed him at least 35 times. The second of the sisters used a hammer to smash her skull, while another threw gas in her face.

Apparently the abuse started when the young women were still children and their mother escaped for fear of being killed.

Angelina Khachaturyan, another of the accused sisters.

During investigations, authorities discovered that Khachaturian had placed cameras in the house to monitor his daughters from a distance when he was away.

They also reported that The young women reported that the man once asked them to brush his dog and then made them eat the animal’s hair while he watched.

The two older sisters, Krestina and Angelina, will be tried together for murder. Maria, who was underage at the time of the murder, was charged after her 18th birthday and is being tried separately on the same charges.

Maria, the youngest, will be tried separately from her sisters.


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