Fernández said it was an honor ?? to be part of Mercosur: if we are a sledge, let them take another ship? – Telam


Alberto Fernández and his Uruguayan counterpart, during the virtual summit.

Alberto Fernández and his Uruguayan counterpart, during the virtual summit.

President Alberto Fernández stressed this Friday, during the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Asunción, that it was an “honor” for Argentina to be part of Mercosur, and declared that those who think that the regional bloc is a “burden” “will they be able to take” another boat “, in response to requests for commercial “flexibilisation” formulated during the meeting by his Uruguayan counterpart, Luis Lacalle Pou.

The Argentine president, who is also pro tempore president of the regional bloc, opened the meeting by drawing an “honest balance” in which he reviewed, in his own words, “the achievements, outstanding debts and challenges”., but subsequent speeches from his peers led him to use the shutdown to present his perspective on the trade rules that govern the Southern Common Market.

“If we have become a burden, I’m sorry. We didn’t want to be a burden on anyone. Let us put an end to these ideas which do so little to help unity. We don’t want to be anyone’s ballast. If we’re a burden, let them take another ship. No, we are not the burden of anyone, it is an honor to be part of Mercosur ”, he declared to close the meeting.

“We are nobody’s ballast, it is an honor to be part of Mercosur”

Alberto Fernandez

A few minutes earlier, the Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro, in a brief and formal speech, had asked to implement measures to facilitate the integration of the bloc into “global value chains” through “rules that enhance the climate of business”.

Brasilia has reduced – in recent days – import tariffs “unilaterally, which complicates the partners of the bloc”, according to Argentine government sources.

However, The vehemence of the President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, was surprised, who affirmed that his government “is not satisfied” with the current conditions and that the impossibility of moving forward on extra-regional agreements generates “frustration”.

From Montevideo, there was talk of a commercial “flexibilisation”, but it was striking that Lacalle Pou affirmed head-on that the current conditions are a “brake” and a “corset” for Uruguayan development.

These concepts have a specific background which is reflected in the debate on the Common External Tariff (AEC), the tariff “barrier” that all the countries of the bloc adopt in front of foreign markets and which, in the introductory words of the Argentine President, “is under review”.

Mercosur leaders resume historic differences at 30-year summit

Disputes over Mercosur tariffs are not new, but they have gained momentum in recent months and will be the central theme of the meeting of foreign ministers to be held next April.

In this regard, the owner of the Palacio San Martín, Felipe Solá said Argentina was ready to discuss TEC terms but did not hesitate to join Fernández’s criticism of partner country presidents by saying “it was not appropriate” to open the debate during “a celebration”.

“We will discuss the tariffs. It was not appropriate to do it today, which is a celebration. And agreements with third countries will be discussed at this table, ”Solá said during a dialogue with the press.

An important step for Latin America

In the meantime, Fernández had claimed that Mercosur had been a “real milestone for Latin America” ​​and Required a “pragmatic vision that allows consensus on a common agenda: not an agenda for each semester, but for the medium term, which transcends political emergencies, sets priorities and is linked to the internal consolidation of the bloc. “

“We must be proud of what we have achieved with our political decision to leave behind old tensions and opt instead for a strategy of unity and an inclusive vocation,” he said.

In this spirit, he noted that fundamental consensuses have been reached such as “commitment to democracy”, respect for human rights “as an essential and inalienable value of coexistence”; and the recognition of the “diversity” of peoples.

Argentinian President He recalled that Mercosur “made it possible to move from a logic of rivalry to a logic of cooperation”, and underlined that “it was and remains a catalyst space for shared principles and values, which has fostered the consolidation of democratic institutions in the region and laid the groundwork to leave behind the danger of dictatorships and governments de facto”.

30 years after the creation of Mercosur, Fernández called on his peers to “deepen integration”

Likewise, he considered that “it was fundamental as a platform for economic and commercial development” and recalled: “In 1991, we created a free trade area so that our goods and services circulate without restrictions, as well as a common external tariff “, which” allowed our trade to grow vigorously “.

He stressed that the countries which make up the bloc “promote a regionalism of solidarity in political, economic and social matters” because they know “that facing the difficulties together” makes them “stronger”.

“In this difficult period of the global health emergency, I would also add the concept of solidarity health regionalism,” he added.

The Argentine president proposed to his peers to create an Observatory of Democratic Quality which is “a tool for strengthening governance”, an Observatory for the Prevention of Gender Violence, and another to “make environmental assets visible” of the region.

“The work ahead requires creativity, generosity and commitment. We want more from Mercosur ”

Alberto Fernandez

“I firmly believe that we are able to recognize how much has been done and what remains to be done. The work ahead of us demands creativity, generosity and commitment. We are going for more Mercosur ”, concluded the president within the framework of the virtual meeting of the heads of state of Mercosur.

On the stage installed at the Bicentennial Museum of Casa Rosada, Foreign Minister Solá and the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, Santiago Cafiero, accompanied Fernández.

In this case, in addition to the above-mentioned presidents, the Paraguayan president, Mario Abdo Benítez; the Chilean Sebastián Piñera and the Bolivian Luis Arce.


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