Argentina is ranked number 20 in quantity …


The Argentina is among the 20 countries with the highest number of vaccines received in the world according to a follow-up carried out by the National Directorate of International Relations of the Ministry of Health and prepared from official information with data collected until Thursday, March 18 (figures which must therefore be updated, but which allow a projective analysis).

In short, with indicators from a week ago and based on the 4,050,540 doses received so far (a figure that does not include the last two flights of the airlines which brought 330,000 new doses of Sputnik V to the country, last Friday March 19, and another 500,000 doses also of Sputnik on Monday 22), Argentina is ranked 20th in terms of access to vaccines against the coronavirus.

The list of the 20 countries that received the most doses against covid-19 are led by the United States (135,846,665 doses) followed by China (52,520,000), India (29.738.409), Indonesia (28,000,000), United Kingdom (25,216,857), Italy (16 511 750) and turkey (13,000,000).

So appear Brazil (12,910,000), Chile (10.925.276), Israel (9.257.019), Germany (8,863,270), Morocco (8,000,000), Russia (7,639,374), France (7.058.746), United Arab Emirates (6,516,723), Mexico (5,512,575), Spain (5.352.767), Poland (4,487,273) and Bangladesh (4,218,127).

The 20th place, as said, corresponds to Argentina, taking as a basis the 4,050,540 doses confirmed until Thursday 18, while the stock available in the country has already increased to 4,880,540 with the last two supplies of from Sputnik. (Of these 4,880,540 doses, 4,197,945 have already been distributed between the different jurisdictions, according to data from the Public Vaccination Monitor updated at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday 25).

The health report also states that By limiting the analysis to the southern hemisphere, Argentina appears to be the fourth country with the greatest number of doses received (the first three are Indonesia, Brazil and Chile).

Moreover, by analyzing the number of vaccines received as a proportion of the number of inhabitants, Argentina (with an estimated population of 45,195,777) shows a result not very different from that of some European countries.

Argentina has a dose percentage of 8.96% for each inhabitant; Spain, 11.45%; Netherlands, 9.45%; Belgium, 9.79%.

The investigation also reveals that Argentina has received 6.19% of the total doses for which it has contracted with suppliers up to the date of the report (March 18): the total stands at 65,470,000 doses. .

As a parameter, the United States has signed agreements for the purchase of 1,200,000,000 doses and has already accepted 135,846,665 (which equates to 11.32%) while Germany has signed agreements for the purchase of 339,813,368 doses and received 8,863,270 (2.61% of the total forecast).

These figures, of course, are up to date based on official information available on Thursday of last week.

In contrast, the statistical comparison shows extreme levels of inequality at the global level.

In the second year of the pandemic, with more contagious and deadly viral mutations, only 15 countries were able to receive more than 10% of the total vaccines for which they signed contracts.

These figures show that the demand for vaccine stocks is a worldwide supply and has, as always, winners and losers.

“The vast majority of the world’s nations have obtained very little or no access to vaccines”, it is noted in the document.

“All the laboratories have had difficulty increasing production, without any exceptions. The situation is that of an insufficient supply of this critical supply in the world“, he warns.

The report confirms that countries in the northern hemisphere, with few exceptions, concentrate most of the doses delivered by laboratories producing covid-19 drugs.

Finally, and with regard to access to vaccines in the country, the survey compares its own figures and those of others to conclude with a diagnosis: “In a context of uncertainty, Argentina is one of the countries with sustainable access to vaccination“.


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