And now what do we do! They denounce that there could be a lack of toilet paper in the world | the Chronicle


When the pandemic has started, dozens of people feared they would run out of toilet paper and were in an uproar In supermarkets. A year later, there are fears that this product may be bypassed again. Is this one of largest producers of wood pulp with whom I know elaborates, warned that a global crisis that is recorded in shipping containers could cause supply problems.

Walter Schalka, executive director of Suzano SA, the biggest Ibero-American pulp and paper company, announced that their product is suffering from shipping issues and there may soon be a shortage. Is it the company ships most of its dough via freighters, but with the increased demand for ships carrying steel, the shipments of your material could be delayed and consequently, it would not reach the hands of the producers and this they would be unable to produce toilet paper.

Schalka also explained that this fear of a paper shortage was generated because during the month of March the company exported less wood pulp than expected. They even had to delay some shipments until April. because there is no way to send dough to producers.

In recent months, the freight market wreaks havoc on world trade, especially in the the case of food and agricultural products. Port traffic has been blocked, freight costs have increased and deliveries have slowed. That is why the Suzano company asks to be aware when buying toilet paper and to carry only what is necessary.


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