Guys have class in a cemetery because it’s the only place with the Internet | the Chronicle


The Coronavirus pandemic revealed existing deficiencies in some populations they don’t have the financial resources to access the technology or wifi. An explicit example of this is happening on a daily basis in downtown Coyungo, in Ica, Peru, where the boys have to travel on top of a cemetery to receive the internet signal and be able to attend their virtual classes.

According to the images broadcast by the television news ATV Noticias, they are of 80 minors that every day, they climb to the top of the village cemetery so that their cell phones receive poor internet signal and they can access the education provided by the program of the government “I learn at home“, virtual mode, which was installed by the coronavirus pandemic.

The pupils go to the cemetery and are located in different places: some are sitting on the sand, others on a stone or a brick in order to be able to write and respond to the instructions assigned to them by the teachers.

In the pictures you can also see how sunlight hits the faces of the little ones while raising his arms to pick up an internet signal. As stated, the part The city’s Alta del cemetery is the only place to receive an Internet signal.

Apparently the only antenna for Internet connectivity that exists in the region has no electricity due to the default of payment of a supplier company which would have an agreement with the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC).

Abelardo Hernandez, Mayor of Changuillo, blamed Andesat Peru for this situation and asked the MTC to intercede to resolve the connectivity issue in the region, the statement said. “The world”.

Thus, boys and girls have virtual lessons in the middle of a cemetery:


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