His truck caught fire for using his cell phone while refueling


A truck started at a gas station in Guanajuato, Mexico, after a man used his cell phone to charge fuel.

The event happened on March 22, and the images went viral on social media.

In the video, the man is seen loading gasoline into the side of the car while carrying a smartphone in his hand. From what is suspected, the cell phone (its use in this area is prohibited) caused a spark which within seconds set off the huge outbreak.

“No one is experimenting in someone else’s head, but… I hope this video helps us understand why you shouldn’t be using your cell phone at a gas station. ‘we call static energy,’ wrote Mexican journalist Alejandro Villavazo on his Twitter account with images of the accident.

According to initial reports, there were no human casualties to be regretted although the damage to the vehicle and the gas station was extensive. (La Nueva. And La Nación).


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