Brazil has detected a new variant of the coronavirus | …


Brazil, which again broke the daily record for deaths from Covid-19 by counting 3,869 on the last day, detected a new variant of the coronavirus which may be a mutation of two potent variants present in the second wave in much of the world, the P1 of Manaus or Amazonas and of South Africa, São Paulo state government reported on Wednesday.

“The variant may be an evolution of the Amazon variant mixed with that of South Africa,” the director of the Butantan public institute, Dimas Covas, said at a press conference.

In turn, he reported that was detected in a patient from the town of Sorocaba, inside the state of San Pablo, one of the most affected by hospital collapse of the second wave of Covid-19.

“In Sorocaba, a variant has been identified which has been the subject of scientific work. It is a variant similar to that of South Africa, despite the fact that the person has had no contact with travelers who have been to South Africa. there is the possibility that it is a variant of our P1 that is mutating to the South African variant“Said Covas.

In addition, the specialist explained that laboratories must now follow up to determine whether this possible mutation is present in other patients with coronavirus or is an isolated case.

The recurring agglomerations recorded between November and February in Brazil have led specialists to warn against the emergence of new variants due to the lack of physical and social distancing.


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