The European Space Agency opens registrations for …


The European Space Agency (THIS) this Wednesday opens the deadline for submitting applications for the hiring of new astronauts, a process that comes after eleven years and with which it is planned to undertake “a real change of generation” in this body.

Vacancies to be recruited between four and six permanent astronauts will be open until May 28, 2021 and for the first time an astronaut with a physical disability will be included.

“The diversity at ESA should not only apply to the origin, age, training or gender of our astronauts, perhaps also to physical disabilities”, explains the director of exploration. ESA Human and Robotics, David Parker, in the press release. “Parastronaut viability project” for this purpose.

The astronaut selection process will consist of six phases – submission of applications, medical and psychological examinations and two interviews – and It is expected to conclude in October 2022 with the announcement of the selected candidates.

To apply, the candidate must meet several requirements, such as being a citizen of one of the ESA member states or associated states, having at least a master’s degree and three years of professional experience in natural sciences, medicine, engineering, mathematics or computer science. and have at least a C1 level in English and a B1-B2 in other non-mother tongues.

In addition, according to ESA, they must have with strong motivation, ability to cope with irregular working hours, frequent travel and long absences from home, family and usual social life, calm under pressure, willingness to participate in science experiences and the flexibility to work in a different location (inside and outside of Europe).

The ESA reminds that the ideal age is between 27 and 37 years and that on this occasion candidates measuring less than 1.30 meters, a “pronounced” difference in leg length or certain deficiencies in the feet will be admitted. .

Applicants must also submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae in English and a European medical certificate issued by an aviation forensic pathologist.

The medical examinations consist of a complete “check-up”, which certifies that the person is in good health and includes blood and urine tests, an electrocardiogram, an audiogram, an eye exam and a psychiatric evaluation, between others, after which the physician declares the candidate suitable, unsuitable or suitable with limitations.

Since the establishment of ESA in 1975, there have only been three selection processes and the last one took place in 2008, when 8,413 candidates were presented, including 810 Spaniards (707 men and 103 women).

There are currently seven active members, six men and one woman, from Denmark, Germany, France, Italy and the UK, who were elected in May 2009.

In September of the same year, six began their basic training and the seventh, the German Matthias Maurer, officially joined the European Astronaut Corps in July 2015.


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