Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has lost 8 kilograms since being in prison



Russian opposition leader jailed Alexei Navalny lost 8 kilos during his stay in penal colony n ° 2 of Cover, as posted on his Twitter account.

“All prisoners on hunger strike must be weighed. Navalny was also heavy. According to the documents, 93 kg arrived in the colony, today 85. That is -8 kg even before the hunger strike ”.said the message.

According to the opponent himself, the rapid weight loss is due to the fact that “He is not allowed to sleep and is woken up 8 times a night.”

Navalny, the main opponent of President Vladimir Putin, on Wednesday announced a hunger strike to demand appropriate medical treatment in prison. The opponent is still recovering from the poisoning of last August, when he started screaming in pain and collapsed on a flight from Siberia to Moscow, forcing the plane to make an emergency landing in the city of Omsk. He was treated for several days by local doctors and was eventually transferred to Berlin in an induced coma.

Navalny says that in prison he suffers from severe back pain and numbness in his legs and has only been given pain medication.

“He still couldn’t see a doctor, there is no diagnosis in the medical book, there is no doctor’s conclusion. However, it is proposed to treat it with nicotinic acid “the politician said on social media.

the nicotinic acid and vitamin B3, is an essential water soluble B vitamin which, when given in large doses, is effective in lowering low density lipoproteins (LDL) and increased high density lipoproteins (HDL). Its use may cause mild to moderate elevations of serum aminotransferases and high doses, and Some formulations of niacin have been associated with clinically apparent acute liver damage, which can be both serious and fatal.

The penal center where Navalny is serving his sentence.  (REUTERS / Tatyana Makeyeva / file)
The penal center where Navalny is serving his sentence. (REUTERS / Tatyana Makeyeva / file)

On the other hand, the opponent’s Twitter account stated that the prison was frequented by the “RT channel propagandist” María Butina and Navalny described her in an unflattering way “In front of a line of prisoners.”

The Federal Penitentiary Service had previously assured that Navalny was not deprived of sleep and that all necessary medical care was provided.

Navalny’s lawyer, Olga Mikhailova, He said his client couldn’t stand it. Navalny’s wife Yulia also spoke about her husband’s poor health and called for his release. He himself wrote that the leg loses sensation. The defense intends to request his transfer to Moscow for treatment.

44 year old man is serving a two-and-a-half-year sentence for fraud in a penal colony east of Moscow. He was arrested upon his return to Russia in January from Germany, where he had spent months recovering from near-fatal poisoning he attributes to the Kremlin.


True to his usual form, Navalny initially took his recent ailments lightly, but turned serious on Wednesday.

“I have the right to ask for a doctor and to receive medication … Jokes aside, but it bothers me already”, He said.

The prison service said Navalny receives “All necessary medical assistance based on his current state of health.”


Ruslan Shaveddinov, spokesperson for the opposition, said that Navalny wouldn’t have made the decision to go on a hunger strike lightly.

“After poisoning, nobody knows what kind of reaction a body might have in this situation, and it is very alarming.“, He said.

Navalny’s team declined to provide details of how the hunger strike went, but it is an action that your allies have experience with.

Your ally Lyubov Sobol She spent 32 days drinking only liquids in the summer of 2019 after she and other opposition politicians were banned from running in local elections.

In 2015, the right arm of Navalny, Leonid Volkov, and a group of activists from the Siberian city of Novosibirsk went on hunger strike after being disqualified from the local elections.

This action ended after 12 days when one of the group’s members, opposition politician Sergei Boyko, was hospitalized.

Russian law requires the prison service to force inmates to feed if they do not eat voluntarily.

It does not specify how this is to be done, but human rights activists have reported that prisoners are being fed “Nutrient mixture” orally, rectally or by tube.

Navalny “He is well aware that a hunger strike is a desperate step”an ally, economist Sergei Guriev, said on Twitter.

“Since he went on a hunger strike, it means he thinks he has nothing to lose, that the situation is unbearable.”


Russian opponent Alexei Navalny goes on hunger strike in prison

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