The shocking video of two girls, three and five, thrown towards the United States from the top of the wall on the border with Mexico


Two Ecuadorian girls are thrown into the United States from the border fence with Mexico

Two Ecuadorian girls, aged 3 and 5, were thrown into US territory by smugglers from the fence at the border with Mexico near El Paso. Border patrol officers rescued them after being abandoned in the desert.

Surveillance cameras captured the images in which we see the two girls falling from the top of the wall and the two traffickers who threw them fleeing the scene after they were already in the American side.

Minors, sisters of Ecuadorian origin, were rescued by border agents and remain in their care, detailed the border patrol, according to the Fox42. Both are in good health, assured the head of this security organ in El Paso, Gloria chavez.

“I was really horrified, shocked and worried the first time I saw the footage.”Chávez told the program your world chain Fox News. “When I saw the first girl fell to the ground and didn’t see her move for a few seconds, honestly I thought he probably hit his head and was unconscious. And then I saw the second girl th immediately the US Department of Homeland Security responded to the region to save them“He added.

Ecuador’s Foreign Ministry condemned the events in a statement and indicated that The Ecuadorian consulate in Houston “makes its entire contingent available to protect the well-being of minors, who for the moment are out of danger and receive the necessary attention”.

He also expressed his rejection of “these inhuman and irrational actions of those who commit crimes through the smuggling of migrants” and called on families to “Avoid exposing yourself or your children to the dangers of irregular migration”.

The President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, said his repudiation and indignation via your Twitter profile by “Organized crime that treats children”.

The President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno.  EFE / José Jácome / Archives
The President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno. EFE / José Jácome / Archives

For his part, the Secretary of Homeland Security of the United States, Alejandro mayorkas, expressed his concern over “the inhumane way in which traffickers abuse children while taking advantage of the desperation of parents”, acts he described as “The criminals”.

“This month a girl drowned, a six-month-old girl was thrown into the river and two young children were thrown from a wall and abandoned in the desert,” he said, noting than “There is no doubt that children are exceptionally vulnerable when placed in the hands of traffickers”.

(With information from Europa Press)


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