Death toll: Peru promises new vaccination plan – News


Late Saturday, the Peruvian health ministry reported 294 new deaths and 5,616 newly infected in the past 24 hours. Since the start of the pandemic, Peru has accumulated 52,625 deaths and more than 1.5 million people infected.

The death toll is not the only one that frightens the Peruvian government. Last Thursday, the country recorded a record of nearly 13,000 new cases in a single day, a number that convinced Sagasti to declare a mandatory four-day national quarantine during Holy Week.

However, the president was clear and rejected any possibility of postponing the general elections next Sunday, as happened in Chile due to the escalation of cases and the occupation of hospitals caused by the second wave.

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Moreover, the increase in coronavirus deaths in Peru puts more pressure on the deficient official vaccination plan, which has not only suffered delays, but has been the protagonist of multiple scandals.

“In recent weeks we have tested the previous system and found that it does not work,” Sagasti said in statements to La República newspaper.

“We have seen people skipping the queues, in the vaccinations of professional associations we have seen that people who are on the front line and in direct contact with the disease have not been prioritized, but other names appear (…) We are trying to correct that and apply a universal standard in a much more systematic way, ”he promised.

As part of this overhaul, the Minister of Health, Oscar Ugarte, announced that they are negotiating with Russia the purchase of 20 million doses of the Sputnik V vaccine.


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