Vladimir Putin called Alberto Fernández to inquire about his state of health and guaranteed the supply of the Sputnik V vaccine


The President of Russia, Vladimir Poutine, he communicated this morning with Alberto Fernandez of the Kremlin to inquire about his state of health and ratified his geopolitical decision to continue sending doses of the Sputnik V vaccine to Argentina.

I want to tell you that I appreciate the vaccine because if I had not applied it I would have had a very bad timeThe head of state told the Russian leader during the telephone conversation. In addition to thanking the concern to take an interest in his state of health, Alberto Fernández and Putin agreed to maintain another telephone call to analyze the political situation in the world and the progress of negotiations between Argentina and the IMF.

“You, how are you, Mr. President?” Putin presented at the start of the conference.

-I feel good, in good condition; At first I had a little fever and heat but took pain reliever and resolved the situation. Without the vaccine I would have a really bad time, I appreciate what you do for us “, replied the Argentine president.

-You can count on us, we are at your disposal, if you wish, we can send doctors from here or a remedy.

– “No need, thank you very much for everythingAlberto Fernández replied.

Alberto Fernández receives first dose of Russian Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19 at Posadas hospital
Alberto Fernández receives first dose of Russian Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19 at Posadas hospital

The scientific authorities of the Gamaleya Institute – where Sputnik V was created – learned of the contagion from the head of state and requested a zoom with the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, and the presidential doctor Federico Saavedra. It happened yesterday and the representatives of Gamaleya requested the clinical picture of Alberto Fernández and made themselves available to the Argentine government.

Saavedra and Vizzotti reiterated to Gamaleya representatives that the head of state has mild symptoms and everything is under control. Hours later, Alberto Fernández has been informed of Putin’s intention to maintain communication from Moscow to place himself at the disposal of the Argentine president.

When the authorities at the Gamaleya Institute finished the zoom with Vizzotti and Saavedra, they passed all the information on to Putin’s advisers. And the Russian leader did not hesitate to change his schedule on Monday and to meet for 30 minutes with Alberto Fernández.

“Argentina is our priority and we will do what is necessary to provide all the necessary vaccines”, Putin promised Alberto Fernández when he averaged the conversation on the phone.

-Thank you very much. We need them-, added the president.

Then the two leaders pledged to maintain an extended zoom to deal with the global situation and the negotiation that the national government is undertaking with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Alberto Fernández has assured that he intends to honor the debt of 44,000 million dollars inherited from Mauricio Macri, but he wants a 20-year refinancing period of 20 years which is not provided for in the statutes of the multilateral credit agency.

“We are here to help”Putin promised before cutting communication with the Kremlin.

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