Piñera: “The Chilean health system is at the limit” – News


The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, admitted on Monday that the Chilean health system is “At the limit of their capacities”, after the weekend records, which topped 7,000 positive coronavirus cases per day, in addition to reaching one million cumulative infections last week.

“In Chile, we have been severely affected by this epidemic, by this rebound which has put our health system to the limit of its capacities”, declared the president during a press conference.

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As part of the announcement of the flu vaccination plan, which began on Monday, Piñera said the country’s health system “continues to provide the medical care patients need, but is on the verge of its capacities “and which it will now face its greatest historic challenge in terms of vaccination.

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At the same time, the coronavirus vaccination plan will continue, in which around 30 million doses have yet to be administered, which, along with the influenza vaccination process, represents “the biggest challenge in terms of vaccination that we have known throughout our history “.

The goal of the Chilean government is to be able to immunize 8.4 million people against influenza within the target population (health workers, over 65 years or older, chronically ill, children from six months and pregnant women) before winter begins.

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This flu vaccination campaign would end on June 5 or until the nationwide target of 85% is reached.

Likewise, people already vaccinated against Covid-19 will be able to attend to be vaccinated against the flu, 14 days after receiving the second dose against the coronavirus.

Since December 25, nearly seven million people in Chile have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, according to the government.

According to the Ministry of Health, Chile recorded 5,807 new cases on Monday for a total of 1,032,612 cases of coronavirus, including 42,794 active.

During that time, 23,677 people have died from causes associated with the disease, with 33 reported in the past 24 hours.

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Likewise, with the completion of 45,821 PCR tests to detect the virus on the last day, the country has a positivity of 12.25% nationally and 13% in the metropolitan area.

The health network made up of public and private establishments reported on Monday that it has only 164 critical beds available, or 96% of the national total, are occupied.

“This is the most complicated moment that we have had to live since the start of the pandemic,” said the Under-Secretary of the Health Networks, Alberto Dougnac.

In addition, this Monday new measures began to govern the mobility of people, including the closure of air borders throughout April, in which only returning residents and essential and taxable travel will be allowed, and prohibits the entry of non-residents. foreigners in Chile.

In el ámbito legislativo, the Cámara de Diputados sancionó este lunes la ley de Bono Clase Media y Préstamo Solidario, para ciudadanos de la clase media que hayan visto una disminución de sus ingresos durante la pandemia, después de ser aprobado de forma general por el Senado on Sunday.

The rule, due to be promulgated this afternoon by Piñera, provides for a decreasing base amount of 500,000 Chilean pesos (about $ 700) to help people in the middle class.

To get the bonus, people must prove that they have earned an average income above the minimum wage since 2019, which is at least between 408,000 (approximately $ 570) and 2,000,000 Chilean pesos (approximately $ 2,800), and that these wages have been reduced by at least 20% in recent months, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The only condition for applying for the solidarity loan is the verification of a drop in income greater than 10%. The worker can apply for it up to two times and, if he has not received the middle class bonus, he can apply for the loan a third time, yes, with a maximum of 650,000 Chilean pesos, i.e. just over $ 900.

Likewise, among the indications discussed on Monday, an increase in Emergency Family Income (IFE) coverage was added by 60% to the most vulnerable 80%, according to the Social Register of Households, for those living in localities in quarantine.


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