The government has established phased price increases for the social bottle: the full list with new amounts


The national government has established price increases for the social bottle which will be applied in stages. At the same time, the amount of the subsidy received by the most vulnerable sectors will be updated in order to continue to access it, despite the further increases.

The two measurements were published on Tuesday in the Official Bulletin, by Resolution 249/2021 of Energy secretary. As justified by the executive power, the decision is made “Taking into account the variation observed in the values ​​associated with the production of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as well as in the costs observed in the fractionation, distribution and retail segments” In this context, it was deemed necessary to “update the maximum reference prices associated with the production and marketing of LPG, with the aim that the final consumer price results from the real economic costs of the activity to different stages, so that the provision The service is carried out with the appropriate quality and safety conditions, always maintaining the protection of vulnerable users HOME program ”.

The list of new amounts defined by the authorities of the zone establishes that from today the 10 kg container of LPG will have a retail price of $ 424.43; the 12 kilos will cost $ 509.32 and the 15 kilos will cost 635.65 pesos. These amounts are exclusive of tax and do not include any additional costs for the door-to-door sales service.

These “Maximum Reference Prices” will be in effect until they are updated again within one month. As of May 1, the 10-kilo jug will be sold to the public for $ 429.73; that of 12 kg, $ 515.68; and that of 15 kg, $ 644.59. The third phased increase in the resolution released this Tuesday will take effect on June 1 when the 10-kilo container costs $ 435.18; that of $ 12,522.22; and that of 15 kilos, 652.78 pesos.

“The maximum reference prices play an essential role in the effective achievement of the objectives set” in the law which establishes the regulatory framework for the industry and the marketing of liquefied petroleum gas “, the main one of which is to ensure economic supply in LPG to the income of the residential social sectors which do not have natural gas service via the networks ”.

In fact, in addition to the three increases announced today, the government has also introduced an increase in the subsidy granted under the HOGAR program. intended for people who live in areas without natural gas service, or who are not connected to the domestic gas distribution network. For the current month the subsidy was increased to $ 326 per bottle. Starting in May, it will be $ 332 a bottle; and from June 1, it will be updated to 338 pesos per bottle. Regarding the modification of the amount of the subsidy, the Ministry of Energy stated that it is necessary that vulnerable sectors “Continue to pay for each home-use bottle you consume, at the same price that was in effect on July 1, 2019.” Before the pandemic, the program reached 2.3 million families. It should be noted that it is also intended for canteens, picnic areas, neighborhood clubs, daycares and community centers across the country without natural gas service and which use bottled liquefied gas.

Those who are entitled to this service must register, via an online process at ANSES, by accessing the agency’s website and following the steps indicated.


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