New record in Brazil: more than 4,000 deaths from co …


Brazil’s National Council of Health Secretariats (CONASS) reported on Tuesday that the South American country recorded 4,195 coronavirus deaths in the past 24 hours, which equates to a new daily record of deaths from covid-19. In this sense, there have already been 336,947 deaths since the start of the pandemic a little over a year ago.

In addition, the Brazilian Ministry of Health reported 86,979 new coronavirus infections, bringing the total number to 13,100,580. Brazil is facing the worst phase of the pandemic, with the public health system on the brink of collapse and a slow vaccination campaign.

For its part, the nation led by Jair Bolsonaro continues to be the second country with the most deaths and confirmed cases of coronavirus, only behind the United States, and currently it has become the place on the planet where more than citizens die of it. virus, with an average exceeding 2,500 deaths per day.

Negotiation for Sputnik V

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and his Brazilian counterpart, Jair Bolsonaro, spoke on Tuesday by telephone, to speed up the acquisition and production of Sputnik V vaccines against the coronavirus.

It should be noted that the Russian vaccine has not yet been authorized by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), despite the health collapse.


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