She met a double murderer imprisoned by letter and will now travel to the United States to marry him


Naomi wise is a 26-year-old Briton who fell madly in love, by correspondence, with a man who lives in the United States. The love that was born between them in the mail is so great that the girl decided to travel to meet the boy in to marry her.

The detail that gives this intercontinental romance a unique tone is that the man who fell in love with Naomi, Victor Oquendo, 30 years old, nicknamed “the animal”, is in prison convicted of a double murder. And he will not give up his imprisonment, as established by his sentence of 24 years, until 2034.

But love knows no barriers and, in this case, no bars either. Naomi and Victor started having a relationship by letter when she entered a Web page through which he could contact prisoners and write to them.

Naomí put her boyfriend's face on a doll and travel with him everywhere
Naomí put her boyfriend’s face on a doll and travel with him everywhereShimmering

The young woman, who lives in the city of Chelsmford, Essex County, in Britain, contacted by mail with Oquendo, who is in the Macomb Correctional Center, Michigan. The journey to wedding It is scheduled for the next boreal summer. If the coronavirus pandemic allows it, they will get married in September.

The exchange between the two also continued through online chats and phone calls, and the relationship matured until the girl surprised her family when she learned that the criminal he had proposed marriage.

She insisted that “Victor is not a monster, he is a human being”. “Never in my crazy dreams had I planned to fall in love with a prisoner, but it happened and I would not change a thing”, condemned the young girl to the British media. Shimmering.

Oquendo he is imprisoned because shot two members from a gang to a gangster 2010. He has already served 10 years of his sentence, during which he is also commuted three armed robberies.

“Victor is the nicest man I have ever met. People can judge before they know the whole story, but I can’t imagine my life without him», Affirms the woman. In detail, she says that her incarcerated boyfriend calls her “my butterfly”, and that she made a doll with the face of her love, with which she takes pictures in every new place in the world that she visits.

Naomí got calligraphy and signature of his love tattooed under his ribs
Naomí got calligraphy and signature of his love tattooed under his ribsShimmering

Another detail in common is the tattoos. He has ink drawings all over his skin, he devotes himself to tattooing in prison, and she made two inscriptions on his body: one on his wrist with the initials of Oquendo and another with the calligraphy. and the signature of the murderer below. its ratings.

Regarding the crime of OquendoNaomí admits to having discovered her existence 15 days after making contact with her current boyfriend. “He surprised me. It was a lot to take in. I wanted to know what he thought about what he had done. If you didn’t care it would have been a red flag, but he is extremely sorryHe told the aforementioned British media. “He finds it difficult to live with himself and has night terrors. He told me a lot about who he really is, ”he added.

In the night of May 29, 2010, Oquendo stole a car, shot and killed Fernando Juárez and Gerardo Juárez, then burned the car they were in.

Oquendo He admitted two counts of second degree murder, burglary and robbery. But despite his crimes, Naomi He insisted, “Victor is the man I want to be with. From the start, I knew it was different ”.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about Victor she added. I was constantly checking my phone and smelling butterflies when I answered. After a few weeks, I knew I couldn’t deny it anymore. I told Victor that I was sorry but that I had started to have feelings and that I needed to escape ”.

The inmate then admitted that he also felt something important Naomi. They communicated by phone for the first time. “I was surprised at how pleasant his voice was. It was a very deep and relaxing experience, ”commented the woman.

From there, communication between the two became more intense and feverish. He sent words of love and also portraits and drawings, which seemed to him works of “A brilliant artist”.

According to the girl’s story, Oquendo He proposed to her three times over the phone over the next few months, but each time she declined, stating: “I told her we hadn’t even met and had no idea when we might. meet us due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, “the young woman explained.

But in September of last year Naomi received a large bouquet of lilies and roses and a black velvet box. “I opened the note and it was from Victor, asking me to marry her. Next to the note was a beautiful diamond ring. “

The exchanges between Naomí and Víctor became more and more affectionate and feverish
The exchanges between Naomí and Víctor became more and more affectionate and feverishShimmering

“This proposal was serious and real. He called me that day and was crying. He finally got a ‘yes’, ”he said. Naomi, that he could no longer hide his relationship – his emotion so little – from his family.

The British said she was passing £ 270- $ 370 per month in phone calls and emails to the prison. Also, he said he sends his love food every three months, which is how often the penitentiary allows them to receive such parcels.

Although not having physical contact, Naomi He said that with Victor they were very “emotionally connected”. “Conjugal visits are not allowed in Michigan, but sex is not a deciding factor for me. I am happy to be faithful. And we try to be intimate on the phone when we can, we find times for that, ”he added.

In addition to thinking about her marriage, the girl plans to stay and live in the United States, to organize things close to her love, and to hope that with a series of advantages, Oquendo will be able to get out of prison in 2027.

Completely lover, Naomi He said he also wouldn’t mind having to serve his full sentence. He calculated that he would have 42 years old and she 39 in 2034, and that in the worst case, “if I can’t have children, that’s okay.”

To silence those who criticize your relationship, Naomi He left a final conclusion: “I know he’s a convict, but he’s much more than that. This is the man I wanna spend the rest of my life with“.


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