Diosdado Cabello threatened journalists covering the clashes on the border with Colombia: “They must be seen as enemies”


Chavismo number two Diosdado Cabello launched a threat on Wednesday against Venezuelan journalists who want to cover the armed conflict unfolding in the border state of Apure.

“Anyone who enters to play the enemy’s game must be considered an enemy. They are awaiting the assassination of some Venezuelans (in Apure) to celebrate the palangristas “Cabello said during his television show that aired on state channel VTV.

Cabello assured that the border conflict is Colombia’s responsibility and attacked social communicators, assuring that they want to make the world believe that the Colombian government is helping Venezuelans.

The socialist leader said that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (Fanb) would continue to give an “energetic response” to Apure’s conflict with dissident guerrillas from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc).

“It has been clear and forceful and will continue to be so, a special brigade has been created to conduct special operations in the area with all the necessary equipment to combat these paramilitary groups,” Cabello underlined in his program “Con el mazo giving”

Cabello has ignored multiple complaints against the Venezuelan military that keep the people in a constant state of anxiety after intimidating and threatening them as the guerrillas continue to do their thing in the town of La Victoria.

Journalists Luis Gonzalo Pérez and Rafael Hernández had been arrested by the Venezuelan National Guard in the border state of Apure
Journalists Luis Gonzalo Pérez and Rafael Hernández had been arrested by the Venezuelan National Guard in the border state of Apure

However, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Nicoás Maduro regime, Jorge Arreaza, violently attacked the Colombian state and blamed it for the difficult border situation between neighboring countries. In his statements, the official pointed out that Colombia had given up its limits with Venezuela and even called the neighboring nation a“Narco-state”.

“Colombia is a narco-state and no one can deny it, in Colombia there are cartels, there are clans, there are organized crime structures”, Arreaza claimed in his official speech in which he even claimed that the only country covered by drug trafficking in the world was Colombia.

“We insist and the common denominator is the drug trafficking industry, the drug industry that has completely permeated the structures of Colombian society. (…) the only proven narco-state with irrefutable evidence in this world is the Colombian stateContinued the Chancellor.

The comments, following an alleged abandonment of the Colombian-Venezuelan border by the nation led by President Iván Duque. “(…) Colombia is a bankrupt state from all points of view. The impotence of the border is almost absolute, to the point that we do not officially know with whom we are border. Even if there is a Republic there and some institutions, the effective control of the territory with which Venezuela borders, sometimes belongs to a paramilitary group, guerrilla, criminal, among others; the state has no effect on this territory, so it does not offer protection or benefits to its citizens“, Arreaza stressed during his speech, which assured that the Bolivarian armed forces were doing more to control the border situation with the FARC dissidents than the Colombian armed forces.

Arreaza assured that the country chaired by Duque has abandoned the border and has not delegated public authority. “(…) they handed over their entire border to irregular armed groups and the few security elements are subordinate to these criminal organizations”, monitoring.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Venezuelan regime Jorge Arreaza (i) and the Colombian President (d)
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Venezuelan regime Jorge Arreaza (i) and the Colombian President (d)

The head of the regime argued that drug trafficking permeated Colombian society and government, which has been happening since the 1980s. According to Arreaza’s thesis, collected by the media TeleSur, the illegal activity “Every day he penetrates more into the fiber of institutionality, into Colombian society and economy.” In addition, He claimed that $ 10 billion entered Colombia each year for money laundering and $ 3 billion for the production of cocaine.

Faced with the border crisis, which has lasted for more than 15 days, Arreaza has announced diplomatic actions to resolve the problem. The Minister of Foreign Affairs will ask Mexico to be a mediator between Colombia and Venezuela to open avenues of dialogue in order to coordinate efforts against irregular groups. For this, the person in charge addressed a letter to his Mexican counterpart, Marcelo Ebrard.

“We are determined to bring peace to our peoples all along this border. As the liberator Simón Bolívar said, peace will be my port, my glory, my reward, my hope and the most precious thing in life ”, said the Venezuelan.

Another move that Arreaza revealed at the press conference was sending a letter to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, “To establish a direct channel with Colombia on the border issue.”


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