Coronavirus: America is the most affected continent …


The second wave of Covid-19 has South America as the most affected region and the Americas as the one with the most coronavirus infections, with an increase last week of more than 1.3 million new infections and 37,000 deaths, according to the Organization Panamericana de la Salud (OPS).

“In the regions of Bolivia and Colombia, cases doubled last week and four countries in the Southern Cone have seen an acceleration of Covid-19 infections, with uninterrupted community transmission in recent weeks,” explained the director of the ‘OPS, Dominican Carissa Etienne in a virtual press conference.

The PAHO chief said that “reducing infections starts with staying at home and doing everything possible to protect yourself and others from the disease” in a context where more than half of all deaths recorded in the world over the past week have occurred in the Americas. .

In this critical health context, Argentina yesterday recorded its record-of-infections-were-registered-22-039-cases-of-coronavir “> record for infections with 22,039 cases and beat it again today with 23,683.

President Alberto Fernández has announced a series of measures to protect the health of the population, in agreement with international health organizations, despite the fact that certain sectors of the opposition are calling for “resistance” to the care measures.

“If the trend of increasing travel within and between countries continues, our health systems will be more in difficulty,” the official warned, quoted by ANSA news agency, adding: “Regardless of pandemic fatigue, we cannot facilitate social and public health. interventions without valid data and justification “.

Regarding the epidemiological situation across the continent, the head of PAHO said: “In North America, cases and hospitalizations are increasing in Canada, while infection rates are decreasing in the United States and Mexico”, adding that last week the United States, Brazil and Argentina were among the 10 countries in the world with the most new infections as a percentage per 100,000 population.

The most ruthless increase has come in Brazil, which last week added more than 4,000 deaths a day, and which scientists predict will soon surpass the record of 4,500 deaths recorded in January in the states. -United.


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