Who are the PAN members who paid the fine so that AMLO did not go to jail for the violation?


López Obrador rejected the payment of the bail by PAN deputies (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
López Obrador rejected the payment of the bail by PAN deputies (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

One of the most crucial events in the political career of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, current president of Mexico, it was when a court of anarchy against him. As head of government of the Mexico, the federal government, then commanded by PAN Vicente Fox, accused him of violating a court order requiring the suspension of construction of a street on land expropriated years ago by previous governments.

Despite the fact that the works were suspended, It was alleged that the execution of the order had been delayed and the man from Tabasco was held directly responsible.

This event was significant since a battle took place between the most powerful parties of the time: PRI, PAN and PRD. However, A federal judge determined that instead of an arrest warrant, a bond of 2,000 pesos would be set. The latter he was paid by two local deputies of the National Action Party.

The above was classified by the head of government of Mexico at the time as “cowardly actA gesture he refused to accept because it came from the hands of those who promoted anarchy.

López Obrador shared on Twitter the speech he gave in 2005, when he appeared before the Chamber of Deputies before the anarchy tribunal brought against him (Photo: Twitter @ lopezobrador_)

These are the legislators Gabriela Cuevas placeholder image Yes Jorge lara, which justified it as an act for AMLO I was not arrested for contempt and he will face his trial in complete freedom to prevent him from becoming a martyr.

Although López Obrador has said he is not relying on bail and is ready to go to jail to promote his presidential campaign from there, lawmakers made the “goodwill” payment.

The Deputy Prosecutor in charge of specialized investigations into federal crimes (SIEDF), Javier Vega Memije, read a statement from the then Attorney General’s Office (PGR), in which he announced that two The “Mexican citizens” paid the required fees.

“The respective agreement was published on the scene of the public prosecution offices of the Federation, and The amount of two thousand pesos was set as a guarantee of the enjoyment of provisional release.»Said the official.

Assistant Gabriela Cuevas (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Assistant Gabriela Cuevas (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

He added: “Two Mexican citizens presented a deposit ticket so that Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador could enjoy provisional release from that moment, and on the basis of article 416 of the Federal Code of Criminal Procedure , which allows a third party to grant a guarantee, the appeal was accepted. Mr. López Obrador, in the event that the judicial authority so decides after having studied all the files of the preliminary investigation, will be obliged to appear before a judge so that the respective criminal proceedings can be followed, but at liberty“.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured he was ready to face the legal process from prison and campaign for the presidency there (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured he was ready to face the legal process from prison and campaign for the presidency there (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

This maneuver was denounced by the PRD group within the ALDF as a political maneuver aimed at deactivating the defensive capacity of the accused: by paying bail for a crime where there was no detainee consigned or returned. at the MPF, the accused was prevented from participating and testifying in the sending of the file and was left without the possibility of personally facing the criminal proceedings, which excluded him from his candidacy for the presidency of the Republic.

The bond was subsequently overturned by the judge who dealt with the case with technical arguments. López Obrador said the process was a political attack orchestrated by Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Vicente Fox and the presidential candidate Santiago Creel.

During the process, López Obrador appeared before the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies. On this occasion, the law graduate from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) delivered a historic speech.

“I have absolute certainty that I am not being tried for breaking the law, but for the way I think and act and what this can mean for other Mexicans for the future of our country. Those who defame me, slander me and accuse me are those who believe themselves to be the masters and lords of Mexico, they are the ones who really dominate and command the leadership of the PRI and the PAN, they are the ones who run the thing of the call populism or paternalism what little they do. it is intended for the benefit of the majorities, but they name the promotion or the rescue of the good that is given to predatory minorities, they are the ones who are very afraid that the people will opt for a real change, ”he told this occasion.


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