Entry ban for tourists, suspension of flights and special requirements: the new measures that will be in effect until April 30


Entry ban for tourists, suspension of flights and special requirements
Entry ban for tourists, suspension of flights and special requirements

Given the arrival of the second wave of coronavirus infections, the government announced this Saturday that Until April 30, land and air borders with neighboring countries will continue to be closed and flights from Chile, Brazil, Mexico and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will continue to be closed. ‘to be suspended. There will also be new requirements for ships and aircraft carriers and crews. He communicated it through the Administrative decision 342/2021, published in the Official Bulletin.

In this way, according to this text signed by the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero, and the interior ministers, Eduardo de Pedro, and health, Carla Vizzotti, the pilot test which authorized the entry of tourists Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and Chile, whose final destination was the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA).

It was an initiative implemented at the end of October last year, which aimed to reactivate one of the sectors of the economy hardest hit by the pandemic, but which was quickly halted due to the increase in positive cases at the local level.

This measure is in addition to the one that was already in force for non-resident foreigners from the rest of the world, who will not be able to enter Argentina during this same period, as planned by the president. Alberto Fernandez By the decree of necessity and emergency (DNU) in which he confirmed the new traffic restrictions.

In addition, they will continue licenses and suspended licenses which would have been arranged in relation to the air transport operations of passengers in direct flights whose origin or destination is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and which originate from Chile, Brazil and Mexico, places that have a strong community circulation of different strains.

The entry of tourists will continue to be prohibited until April 30
The entry of tourists will continue to be prohibited until April 30

The novelty this time is that in addition to all the limitations already mentioned, there will be new requirements for carriers entering the national territory, as well as for the crews of ships and aircraft.

Requirements for carriers entering by land:

Foreign carriers and crew members must “attach to the affidavit, the negative result of the test for SARS-CoV-2 carried out within 72 hours of entering the country.”

Meanwhile, those who are Argentine citizens will only have to undergo “an antigen test within 72 hours” of entering the national territory. Those who test positive will be required to “then perform the PCR test for genomic sequencing, as indicated by the national reference laboratory.”

Requirements for international ship crews:

Those who are made up of foreigners will comply “with the protocols defined by the national health authority, to ensure their traceability”, and will be “prohibited from transfer to Argentine territory, obliged to remain on board”.

For its part, the crew, which is made up of Argentine personnel or residents of the country, must “undergo antigen tests within 72 hours of returning to the country”.

Measures to follow for international crews:

Foreigners will also have to “comply with the protocols defined by the national health authority, to ensure their traceability”, but they must also “Travel within the country under bubble mode, with strict supervision of the respective carriers”

On the contrary, if the crew is composed of Argentine citizens or residents of the country, the personnel he will undergo “antigen tests at least every two weeks or a period shorter than that which may be stipulated by the airline”.

Likewise, it was clarified that international carriers will be responsible for enforcing these requirements by their respective employees, although the government may “establish additional obligations” depending on “the epidemiological situation existing at the origin and / or at the destination”.

Finally, the suspension of “group trips for graduates, retirees, studies, for unofficial sports competitions, has also been extended until April 30; tourist groups and recreational and social activities, in a generic way ”.

Here again, “nationals or foreigners residing in the country and, in particular, those over 60 or people belonging to risk groups defined by the health authority, have been reminded to postpone their trips abroad, when they did not respond to the evolution of essential activities ”.


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