Another gesture of Joe Biden towards Alberto Fernández: he will send his main adviser for Latin America to Buenos Aires


Alberto Fernández and Joseph Biden, President of the United States
Alberto Fernández and Joseph Biden, President of the United States

Joseph Biden bets on the bilateral relationship with Alberto Fernández, despite his departure from the Lima Group and the closeness he shows with Vladimir Poutine Yes Xi Jinping, the two main suppliers of COVID-19 vaccines in the midst of the second wave of the pandemic. The Argentine president and his colleague from the United States share the same view on the importance of diplomatic cooperation in a world beset by uncertainty caused by the coronavirus. It is the point of contact that connects the Casa Rosada to the White House.

Biden invited Alberto Fernández at a climate change summit organized by the Democratic administration, sent Southern Command chief Craig Faller to donate three field hospitals, And now Juan González, his special assistant for geopolitical affairs in Latin America, will arrive. The US official will arrive on Wednesday 14.

Alberto Fernández will receive González this week -it is not yet defined if he is Olivos or Balcarce 50-, and a meeting with an open agenda is scheduled. The senior director of the National Security Council for the Western Hemisphere has extensive experience in the region: He worked with Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, Secretaries of State during Barack Obama’s two terms.

A priori, the Head of State and González will get along without any problem. Both consider – each in their own style – that Donald trump has been a disaster for the international agenda, that we must find a democratic exit to the political crisis in Venezuela, that the validity of the Mercosur and that the Cooperation is the key to dealing with the social and economic consequences caused by COVID-19.

Joseph Biden and Juan González, before taking office as President of the United States (Photo: @Cartajuanero)
Joseph Biden and Juan González, before taking office as President of the United States (Photo: @Cartajuanero)

In this sense, months before taking the White House, González wrote the following in Americas Quaterly: “Joe Biden’s vision for the region is based on the fundamental belief that promoting a ‘secure, middle-class and democratic hemisphere’ is in the best interests of the economy and national security of states. United. That the United States must work together with its neighbors if it is to win the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and rebuild the US economy better than in the past. In times of great crisis, principled and democratic leadership – anchored in the rule of law – unites nations towards a common goal. May the multilateral institutions, under appropriate leadership, give everyone a stake in our future. It is this vision, based on empathy for those in pain and a deep understanding of American interests, that will inspire the Biden administration’s approach to the Americas. There is no need to assume this on the basis of faith – there is a wealth of track record describing the values, ideas, and interests that will be central to the politics of the Biden administration in the Western Hemisphere.“.

González’s agenda in Argentina will not be a state secret. Biden is concerned about China’s progress in the world and how it has gained ground in Latin America in recent years. In fact, Admiral Faller – head of the southern command – expressed this concern during his only meeting with Agustín Rossi, Minister of Defense, and in the report granted to DEF which reproduces Infobae.

Besides China, Biden adviser to discuss complex situation in Venezuela with Alberto Fernández. The president withdrew Argentina from the Lima group, does not believe that Juan Guaidó is a key element in ending Nicolás Maduro and question the commercial locks Yes financial that the United States is executing against the Chavista regime.

Councilor González, unlike Mauricio Claver at the White House or Eliott Abrams at the State Department during Trump’s tenure, considers that the crisis in Venezuela cannot be resolved by covert military action or putsch grandiose, and this is a point of agreement with Alberto Fernández.

The president and Biden’s envoy are betting on a peaceful solution to end Maduro’s dictatorship. And this is already a subject that Alberto Fernández discussed with the Democratic leader and Minister of Foreign Affairs Felipe Solá with his colleague from the State Department, Antony Blinken.

In this common agenda, Alberto Fernández to offer González the possibility of accessing the millions of doses of AstraZeneca that the United States keeps in Baltimore and Ohio, and the need to have the support of the Treasury Department when closing the refinancing of the external debt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

González arrives Wednesday 14 from Bogotá (Colombia) and the next day he will leave for Montevideo (Uruguay). Another gesture from Biden to show Alberto Fernández that he offers diplomatic proximity, based on common interests, regardless of geopolitical differences compared to Venezuela, China and Russia.

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