There will be a ballot in Peru: the leftist teacher Pedro Castillo leads the exam and 3 other candidates compete vote by vote for the passage to the second round


Pedro Castillo, Hernando de Soto, Rafael López Aliaga, Keiko Fujimori.
Pedro Castillo, Hernando de Soto, Rafael López Aliaga, Keiko Fujimori.

The presidential candidate of Peru Libre, Pedro Castillo, is the only candidate who exceeds 15% of the votes in the legislative elections this Sunday in Peru, for which a second round would be confirmed.

The first results give Castillo, on the left, 15.8% of the vote. The choice of this teacher is the surprise of the day since a week ago he had not even had the chance to stand for election. This way he would go to the second round and his rival would be between: Hernando de Soto, of Avanza País, with 14.4%; Rafael López Aliaga, from Renovación Popular with 13.1%; and Keiko Fujimori, of Fuerza Popular, with 12.2%. Then there is Yonhy Lescano, Action populaire, with 9%; and Verónika Mendoza, from Juntos por el Perú, with 8%.

After knowing the first results, Lopez Aliaga He admitted that Castillo, who heads him, had “a good campaign”, although he later called the study’s result “stupid” and “irresponsible”.

Meanwhile, Lescano recalled that “we have to wait for the official results to be able to pronounce,” which De Soto shared saying he preferred to pronounce “once the margins are defined more precisely,” reported RPP news.

“Very enthusiastic about the opportunity that the Peruvian people are offering me in the race for the second round”, she thanked, for her part, Keiko Fujimori, who, in turn, asked to await the results with “caution”.

Fujimori suggested to his comrade Hernando de Soto, with whom the pass in the second round in Peru is disputed, “to work together», And added that he will face the left represented by the favorite candidate Pedro Castillo.

Speech by Keiko Fujimori after the elections in Peru

For their part, at the headquarters of Peru Libre in Tacabamba, in the province of Chota, the supporters of Castillo come to celebrate the results. “It is an expression of the people,” left-wing candidate Castillo said in a brief speech on Sunday.

<< Dear Peruvian people, dear compatriots, dear teachers of Peru, I would first like to greet the most forgotten peoples of my country, greet the men and women who are in the last corner of the country, greet those who are over there. the corners of the homeland where there is no state presence, ”Castillo said. "Today, the Peruvian people have just removed the blindfold“, He added.

The leftist politician asserted that the real grand alliance in the poll would be made with the “Peruvian people” and warned that he would not submit to the demands of other parties.

The presidential candidate too He greeted the children, “whom I love the most and love the most, I am a teacher and I want these young people not to have an uncertain future tomorrow.“.

These six candidates will fight for the passage to a second round of the general elections which closed their polling stations at 7 p.m. (local time), after serious delays in the constitution of the polling stations, which were the dominant note. This circumstance forced the authorities to ask for volunteers among the young people, which was strongly criticized by several candidates.


The Congress will host eleven parties, with Acción Popular and Perú Libre in first place, both with 10.7%, while Fuerza Popular is in second place with 9.5% of the vote. They would be followed by Renovación Popular, with 8.8 percent; Avanza País, with 8.4 percent; Alliance for Progress, with 7.9 percent; Together for Peru, with 7.7 percent, and Somos Perú, with 6.4 percent.

Likewise, Victoria Nacional would enter, who would have 5.7 percent of the vote; We can Peru, with 5.6 percent, and the Purple Party, with 5.4 percent.

In this way, the fragmentation of Congress would again be a determining factor in parliamentary work, as well as in relations with the executive.

Five of the parties elected in the extraordinary elections of 2020 would remain on their bench, although to a lesser extent, while at least eight parties would lose their electoral registration, collects “El Comercio”.

This Sunday, the first round of the country’s presidential election was voted, in search of long-awaited political stability after months of open crisis. More precisely, the new President of the Republic, the two Vice-Presidents, 130 parliamentarians and five representatives in the Andean Parliament are elected and for this 24,290,921 citizens are summoned to Peruvian territory.


Who is Pedro Castillo, the leftist candidate and teacher who was surprised in the elections in Peru

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