Marcela Tinayre was infected with a coronavirus in Miami, after being vaccinated: “Thanks to this first dose, it was not serious”


Marcela Tinayre said she had coronavirus in Miami, after receiving the first dose of the vaccine (Video: “Los Angeles de la Mañana”, El Trece)

While defending his son, Nacho Viale, for the criticism he received for being vaccinated against COVID-19 in Miami, Marcela Tinayre She said she was also vaccinated in that city in the United States. In addition, he indicated that after receiving the first dose, and while waiting for the second, he tested positive for the coronavirus.

“I thought I had a stroke”, revealed the driver on Monday in an interview she gave via a video call to Morning angels. “For four days, I didn’t have a good time”He went on and clarified that his painting did not age and did not need hospitalization. “You can see that when I gave myself the first dose, I incubated it,” he considered and added: “Thanks to the first dose it did not spread or was serious”.

In any case, he maintained that he felt “very bad” as the disease passed. “I couldn’t walk. I would get up and get dizzy “He explained who had only told his son Nacho about his painting since he didn’t want to worry the rest of his family. Even less his mother, Mirtha Legrand, who at the time had not been vaccinated in Buenos Aires.

“I was alone. I thought a lot about all the losses I had suffered in 2020 …”The driver went on to mention the fact that in February of the same year his great friend Sofía Neiman died, in May his aunt Goldy – Mirtha’s twin sister – then her friend Juan, and her ex-husband Marcos Gastaldi, in July. “I had a duel. I was very sad these four days. Very distressed “.

Marcela Tinayre with her daughter and mother on the occasion of Mirtha's return to television in December 2020
Marcela Tinayre with her daughter and mother on the occasion of Mirtha’s return to television in December 2020

In a broken voice, Marcela stopped in her story. “It’s very difficult to say,” he explained and revealed that the doctor insisted he had to “heal the head”. “I told him the story of my life, the losses.” And as she went through the illness, alone and isolated at home, she tried to be strong. “The Scorpio is the Phoenix Bird. I still have to get out of it “, she says to herself.

“On the fifth day the doctor came and said, ‘Ma’am, you’re not contagious, you can go out now. Now, take care of here ‘Tinayre reproduced and nodded his head. “Psychological help is very important. You are dying of fear. (He’s afraid of) death. Thought: Why is he going to touch me now? “, he reflected in a dialogue with Ángel de Brito.

For his part, he said that among the symptoms he had during the days of the illness, he had lost his appetite, and that his priority was to control the oxygen saturation on a daily basis. “The truth is it’s well done”added who was in constant contact with his son Nacho from Buenos Aires. “Mom, if they admit you, I’ll go there”The producer told him he should have kept what was going on a secret. “I didn’t even know my mother,” Marcela Tinayre concluded.


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