Outrage in Chile: Supermarket guards denied entry to 100-year-old woman for not having a health permit


Controversy arose in Chile this week when guards in a supermarket Elderly woman refused entry to premises, arguing she did not have a health permit corresponding to buy food, which can be managed on a website.

Images of the denial were captured by witnesses and quickly went viral and made headlines in major local media. The decision provoked outrage from users, who criticized the fact that no exceptions were made in favor of the woman, identified as Isolina Grandón.

Those who live in Chile must process health permits from the platform www.comisariavirtual.cl move around and enter commercial places, due to the total quarantine the country is going through due to the second wave of coronavirus. But, as evidenced by this case, not everyone can do it easily.

Grandón went to a supermarket in the municipality of Maipú, Santiago, with the intention of buy chicken breast and other essentials. However, upon arriving at the entrance, the guards crossed her path and asked for her permission. Not having it, the surveillance decided not to let it pass.

According to the authorities' provisions, each person must have their health permit in order to access the points of sale of items deemed essential.
According to the authorities’ provisions, each person must have their health permit to be able to access the points of sale of items deemed essential.

The guards’ decision caused annoyance to other customers, who asked the supermarket staff Why didn’t he let him consider that the woman had little mobility, that she did not have internet access to obtain the permit, nor did he know how to use a cell phone. However, the guard insisted that if they let her pass, he risked losing his job.

“I tried to explain to her that she had no way to get the permit, she doesn’t know how to use a phone and he continues to insist that he could not give him access, because if he did, he would lose his job, ”added a witness about this situation.

A person at the scene added that another woman walked into the business premises and bought the chicken breast the 100-year-old woman needed, who lives alone because her sister died of the coronavirus.

The woman had to be assisted by other people who carried their health permit with permission to enter to purchase
The woman had to be assisted by other people who carried their health permit with permission to enter to purchase

The woman’s version

Over time, Isolina Grandón gave her version of events. According to her testimony, when she arrived at the supermarket, she explained to the staff that she only wanted to buy a chicken breast, but that they did not want to let it in. “I told her, I’m going to buy food just for lunch, I’m going to buy a chicken breast,” the woman said.

However, when the guards did not allow her to enter, Isolina listed the reasons she was not without permission. “I couldn’t get my license because I don’t know where to go and because I can’t leave my house far away.. I pulled out because what else was I going to say, what else was I going to do. I stayed there, next to the cashier, ”said the woman.

After the case came to light, Isolina said guards at the supermarket “They should be a little nicer. Realizing that there are also many people in the world who needNot only because he is hungry, but because he has plenty of reasons, ”concluded the woman.

The supermarket version

Meanwhile, authorities at the supermarket chain said in a press release that “We regret the situation that affected a customer in our supermarket in Plaza Maipú and we understand that she may have suffered inconvenience.”

In addition, They explained that making exceptions in cases like these “can have serious consequences for the health of people.” The company also detailed that “We acted in accordance with the provisions of the health authority” because in this way “we can all face the crisis which affects the country”, they concluded.


They published the list of “essential goods” that can be traded during the strict quarantine in Chile

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