Officer who killed Daunte Wright resigns and family denied it was an “accident”


Kimberly Potter, the officer who shot and killed Daunte Wright.  (Linkedin)
Kimberly Potter, the officer who shot and killed Daunte Wright. (Linkedin)

The officer who shot and killed African American Daunte Wright tendered his resignation Tuesday to the Brooklyn Center police chief (Minnesota, USA), where the event took place, after a night of race riots that left 50 inmates.

The resignations came shortly after the deceased’s parents head-on rejected the official version of the event, which called it “accidental.”

Brooklyn Center Mayor Mike Elliott assured a press conference that the resignations of Agent Kim Potterand the local police chief, Tim Gannon, were “on their own initiative”.

“We did not ask him to resign. It was a decision she made. (…) And I couldn’t agree more, ”explained Elliott.

Wright died last Sunday in the vehicle he was driving when, during a traffic check, Potter supposedly accidentally opened fire on himPolice said Monday.

Assassination of Daunte Wright

The officer wanted to use a stun gun known as a “taser” to immobilize Wright, according to the police version, but she got confused and fired her gun which killed the man.

However, the victim’s parents denied on Tuesday that it was an accident.

I cannot accept this. I lost my son. He will never come back. I can’t accept this, a mistake, it doesn’t even sound good. This police officer has been in the force for over 26 years. I can’t accept thisDaunte’s father Aubrey Wright said on Good Morning America. ABC.

One of the family’s attorneys, Jeffrey Storms, criticized the police department for “going out and just calling it an accident” and calling it “inappropriate” and “insufficient.”

There was a series of intentional events that led to the death of your child and we need to know exactly why each of these intentional acts happened.Storms said Tuesday in an interview on the network. CNN.

Demonstrations in Minnesota against the death of Daunte Wright.  REUTERS / Leah Millis
Demonstrations in Minnesota against the death of Daunte Wright. REUTERS / Leah Millis

Ese incidente se produjo cuando los nervios están a flor de piel in Minneapolis (Minesota), pendiente de la sentencia del juicio contra Derek Chauvin, uno de los cuatro policías acusados ​​del asesinato de George Floyd en mayo pasado, que desató una ola de protestas raciales in all the countries.

Families of two African Americans killed by Minnesota police hold joint press conference to demonstrate “union””, In his words.

“We will support them. We will fight for justice for this family, just like we fight for our brother, ”one of Floyd’s brothers, Philonise Floyd, told reporters.

The mother of Wright’s 2-year-old son Chyna Whitaker was among those relatives who spoke at the press conference, while the visibly affected young man’s father could not comment., according to one of the lawyers.

Protests in Minnesota.  REUTERS / Leah Millis
Protests in Minnesota. REUTERS / Leah Millis

“My son, he has no father. I feel like my son’s father has been robbedWhitaker lamented.

Meanwhile, protests were held for the third day in a row in the Brooklyn Center neighborhood, a suburb of the city of Minneapolis, over Wright’s death.

Although the concentrations were peaceful during the afternoon, in the evening, the riots began in front of the Brooklyn Center police station, where security forces used pepper spray to disperse the crowd, which responded by throwing water bottles and other projectiles at the officers.

A curfew applies to both Brooklyn Center, Minneapolis and St. Paul, reported CNN. The mayor of this first town, Mike Elliott, said they are conducting “an internal process to ensure that we are responsible for the steps to be taken”, although for the moment they have not accepted the resignation of the agent who shot and killed Wright.

Protests in Minnesota.  REUTERS / Nick Pfosi
Protests in Minnesota. REUTERS / Nick Pfosi

With information from EFE


The agent who killed the young African-American in Minneapolis mistook his service weapon for a taser
Protests in the United States against the death of an African-American man at the hands of the police
Curfew, clashes with police and looting: another night of protests in Minnesota after the death of the young African-American

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