What is the percentage of efficacy of vaccines applied in the country after the first dose


Meanwhile, the Chinese vaccine Sinopharm, which many opposition-related releases confuse at that time, was applied in the first dose to 1,231,204 people and the percentage of people infected, after 14 days, is 0.49%.

Finally, the vaccine Covishield (Oxford-AstraZeneca) It was applied to 578,433 people, and as in previous cases, after 14 days the virus was infected 0.46%.

On the other hand, the proportion of cases among health personnel out of the total cases has decreased since the start of the vaccination campaign, from 4.2% of cases (EW 53) to represent last week analyzed 2.2% (EW 14), reported the health portfolio which directs Carla Vizzotti.

For its part, the proportion of cases in people over 70 has declined in recent weeks, from 7.2% of cases at week 53 to week 14 andl 4.6%.

“We observe that from week 9, the cases in those under 70 years old begin to increase while in those over 70 years old, they only increase from week 11 with less intensity “, he pointed out.

Regarding the variation of cases between periods, we observe in the under 70s that the variation of the last two weeks (12 and 13) compared to the two previous weeks (10 and 11) shows an increase of 71.5%, for those from 70 to 79 a 36.6% and for those from 80 and over 33.1%.

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