Evo Morales MAS crisis: party plans internal elections after ballot defeat in four regions


President Luis Arce with Evo Morales (REUTERS / David Mercado)
President Luis Arce with Evo Morales (REUTERS / David Mercado)

The senior leaders of the ruling party in Bolivia, the Movement for Socialism (MAS), on Tuesday raised the internal electoral promotion and evaluations after ballot defeat in four regions who elected their new governors.

We are aware that we need regional and ministerial leadership” and “it will be important to promote internal elections within the framework of the political instrumentSenate President Andrónico Rodríguez, who is also a representative leader of coca growers, told the media.

Part of the reflection addresses aspects such as that of two of these defeats, in Chuquisaca and Pando, they came before former party members, while in La Paz he was against an indigenist of postulates close to MAS and only in Tarija against an ideologically opposed opponent.


Rodríguez felt that the second round “it was an electoral battle between masistas», In reference to the victories of the ex-masistas Regis Richter in Pando, Damián Condori in Chuquisaca and the indigenousist Santos Quispe in La Paz, whose group houses the ex-masista and former president of the Senate Eva Copa.

For his part, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Freddy Mamani, declared that the MAS “it is the only (party) that has a national presence“And that defeat in the second subnational round”cannot be assigned”The rise of an opposition bloc.

The final results in Chuquisaca gave the victory to Condori with 57.3% against 42.6% of the MAS candidate Juan Carlos León, while in Tarija Óscar Montes won with 54.4% against 45.5% of the official candidate Álvaro Ruiz.

With 95.5% of records calculated, in Pando the winner is Regis Richter with 54.6% against the official Miguel Becerra and finally in La Paz, with data at 89.7%, Santos Quispe obtained 55.6% votes ahead of 44.3% of Masista Franklin Flores.

Image of the elections (EFE / Martín Alipaz / File)
Image of the elections (EFE / Martín Alipaz / File)


Primary elections are nothing new in Bolivia, since at the end of January 2019 unprecedented internal elections were held in view of the failure of the electoral process in October of the same year.

The nine parties that competed internally presented all a unique pair for the president and the vice-president, which means that these primaries are called into question due to lack of internal competitiveness and were seen as an unnecessary expense.

With the political and social crisis that arose after the failure of the 2019 elections, new general elections were called, exceptionally without any primary news.

In the recent sub-national elections, within the MAS there was dissatisfaction with certain candidates and there has even been talk of an alleged “finger” or an imposition of the former Bolivian president and leader of this party. Evo Morales and its narrow circle.

If we have five candidates or pre-candidates, let’s go to the primary elections. Whoever wins wins and then everyone works around the winnerRodríguez said, alluding to internal democracy processes.

The highest representative of the central Obrera of Bolivia, Juan Carlos Huarachi, related to the ruling party, assured that the results were aEar pull“Which implies a”redirectFrom the internal organization of the MAS, according to some local media.

MAS leaders are planning an emergency assessment meeting for the following days to analyze the causes of the departmental results that have left only three of the country’s nine governorates in the hands of the government.

The ruling party has conquered 71% of the 336 Bolivian mayors, although it reaches only two of the ten most important urban squares in the country, which are the most populated.

(With information from EFE)


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