Adverse effects: WHO clarifies the risks of thrombosis


The regional director for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO), Hans kluge, said today that the risk of suffering from a thrombosis is “superior” if you have coronavirus that if you receive the vaccines developped by AstraZeneca o Janssen.

Kluge made the remarks during a press conference on the occasion of the “very rare” side effects detected in patients who received the drug. AstraZeneca vaccine, classified as “safe and effective” by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which also continues to study it. The EMA plans to issue a new recommendation “next week,” the Europa Press news agency noted.

Furthermore, it comes after the United States recommended stopping the drug Janssen (developed with Johnson & Johnson) when six cases of thrombus in more than 6.8 million people who received this inoculant.

Following this decision, the Belgian laboratory Janssen announced that it would delay the launch of the immunizer already authorized for use in the European Union.

“The WHO take security seriously vaccines and we will offer advice soon. We urge states to report events that occur with vaccines, ”Kluge said.

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