For the IMF, the conditions are already in place to reach an agreement with Argentina


The director said his job was to interact with the authorities of the Ministry of the Economy “in a very constructive manner and concrete negotiations are underway and put the government in a position to reach an agreement as soon as the government sees fit.”

Kristalina Georgieva

Kristalina Georgieva, Director of IMF

Kristalina Georgieva, Director of IMF

“Technically, we have made progress,” said Werner, during a contact with the press questioned on the state of progress of the negotiations.

It was as part of a press conference in which Latin American data included in the agency’s latest economic outlook report released last week was analyzed.

There he added: “Yes, we have a platform of understanding to move forward with an agreement quickly, provided that it is decided to move forward relatively quickly.”

When an agreement was possible, he replied: “The timing (of an agreement) is more on the side of the Argentine authorities than on our side and they will clearly decide which environment is the best time. “

Likewise, when asked about inflation in Argentina, he stressed that “ as the Argentinian authorities have declared, An economy with high inflation is cause for concern, it is high and was high for the past 4 years and it is important to bring it down with measures that help coordinate expectations“he added.


In this sense, Werner said that “part of our discussion with the economy and the Central Bank revolves around macroeconomic frameworks and complementary measures of expectations so that Argentina moves towards public policies conducive to lowering the economy. ‘inflation and a more stable financial sector’, allowing a recovery in investment and employment.

Argentina and the IMF are negotiating the rescheduling of 45,000 million dollars in debt, in the context of an election year and a pandemic.

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