Brazil: lack of supplies, they use veterinary drugs in hospitals


The city of Ro de Janeiro I decided to use sedatives veterinary use for Covid-19 intubated patients, given the shortage of these supplies due to the history of inmates in intensive care who have been in need of mechanical assistance since last February all over Brazil.

The situation is dramatic at least 17 state capitals, according to a newspaper survey Sao Paulo state, and today’s data and warnings added a dark new chapter when the City of Ro’s health secretary, Daniel Soranz, said the veterinary supplies will be used for humans.

At the same time, family members and nursing organizations have denounced that due to the lack of sedatives in various parts of the country, sick people come out of the intubation. no sedatives and tied to their beds, which caused a scandal.

“It does not make sense to continue to consume essential items in veterinary units” (Soranz, Secretary of Health of Ro)

“Estn suspended elective (non-urgent) surgeries in the city of Ro and this includes those of the veterinary center. It does not make sense to continue consuming products essential for intubation and human health in veterinary units. We are using neuromuscular blockers and sedatives for people with Covid or other illnesses that require intubation, ”Soranz said amid complaints, at a press conference.

For the Brazilian Institute of Social Health Organization, supplies for intubation have reached “before the collapse.” For this reason, the chancellor of the government of Jair Bolsonaro reported that on Monday arrive a plane with donations from Spain with supplies for intubation and the Forum of Governors of Brazil met with UN Under-Secretary-General Amia Mohammed to ask for her help.

The result was also positive: the UN agreed to send “four million doses in Brazil in April” as part of the Covax plan promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO), and “try to anticipate four million additional doses in May,” according to a statement released by the multilateral organization.

The figures reflect the state of severity: 3,305 deaths in the last 24 hours and 85,774 new infections, according to official data from the National Council of Secretaries of Health. The total balance amounts to 368,749 deaths versus 13,832,455 confirmed cases.

In this way, they make the measurements more flexible.

In this context, the city of Ro and the State of São Paulo announced a flexibilizacin measures due to the reduction in the occupancy rate of hospitals, which continues to be around 80%.

In São Paulo, the quarantine went to the red transition phase, with a business open for eight hours and church services until May 2. From the 24th, until 19 restaurants, parks, clubs and gymnasiums will start to operate.

Face-to-face lessons they are released but currently the use is practically for canteens, while the vaccination of teachers has started.

San Pablo has 46 million inhabitants and is the most affected, with more than 85,000 dead and currently has an 85.3% hospital occupancy rate in intensive care beds.

Ro de Janeiro, for his part, reopened the commercial and gastronomic activity, but it is forbidden to stay on the beach and, in addition to the state of São Paulo, the night curfew is maintained.


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