Maduro regime ordered El Nacional newspaper to pay Diosdado Cabello over $ 13 million


Headquarters of the newspaper El Nacional, in Caracas Venezuela
Headquarters of the newspaper El Nacional, in Caracas Venezuela

The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), which responds to the interests of Nicolás Maduro, on Friday ordered the newspaper El Nacional to pay more than $ 13 million to the number two of Chavism, Diosdado Cabello, in compensation for the alleged “moral damage” . “

According to the judgment of the Civil Cassation Chamber, the Venezuelan newspaper must pay Cabello 237,000 petros – a cryptocurrency launched by Nicolás Maduro in 2018 and which is sanctioned by the United States – at the exchange value of the day.

The Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) under the control of the regime, establishes this Friday that A petro is traded for US $ 56.41, so the amount El Nacional would have to pay Cabello would be US $ 13,369,170.

The ruling also orders that the case be referred to a civil court in Caracas to enforce the ruling.

This court notifies the parties and executes the judgment by setting a deadline for the voluntary payment of compensation. If it is not respected, this court can order the forced execution of the decision in accordance with Venezuelan laws.

Chief Chavist Diosdado Cabello
Chief Chavist Diosdado Cabello

El Nacional responded by calling the decision “political persecution” and warning that Cabello “intends to carry out a disguised expropriation whereby he would become the owner and editor of this historical media”.

Cabello, now a member of the Chavist parliament, sued El Nacional in August 2015, after the newspaper replied to information from the Spanish newspaper. ABC, which indicated that the socialist leader was under investigation by the United States for suspected links to drug trafficking.

In June 2018, then-National Constituent Assembly member Pedro Carreño reported that a Caracas court ruled in favor of Cabello and ordered El Nacional to pay 1,000,000,000 bolivares – approximately $ 12,500 at the current exchange rate – as compensation.

Then, Carreño claimed that if the compensation payment was not made effective, Cabello would proceed with an “insurance measure” of the media facilities., founded in 1943 by the Venezuelan poet Miguel Otero Silva.

The number two of Chavism is ironic about the possible expropriation of the media in social networks, through the account of his television program broadcast by the Venezuelan state channel, VTV, With Mallet Giving, when posting a photo of the headquarters of El Nacional, but instead of the name of the newspaper, the word is read “Le Mazo”, accompanied by the comment, “He could use a little red paint.”

Tweet by Diosdado Cabello, in which he is ironic about a possible expropriation of the newspaper El Nacional
Tweet by Diosdado Cabello, in which he is ironic about a possible expropriation of the newspaper El Nacional

Cabello also sued the shareholders, directors, editorial board and owners of the digital newspaper. La Patilla and the weekly As such, after these media echoed, like El Nacional, the information published by ABC.

In June 2019, Chavista Supreme Court ruled in favor of Cabello and ordered La Patilla to pay him more than $ 5 million.

In December of the same year, Cabello attacked The National. He assured that he would be the owner of the newspaper and that he would turn the headquarters into a university of communication.

“El Nacional has an extraordinary seat for a university. As soon as I have the sentence, they tell me where to sign to hand over the building of the International University of Communication that our president Nicolás Maduro announced “, said a Chavist leader.

Hair attack on The National This is another method of subjecting the regime to free speech.

Venezuela’s interim president Juan Guaidó expressed his unconditional support for the newspaper The National after the regime’s new attempt to silence the media.

“The regime, in its policy of censoring the free press in Venezuela, is once again taking legal action against the newspaper El Nacional; therefore my support for the team of this important media which courageously resists despite the attacks of the dictatorship “, wrote the president in charge on his Twitter account.

(With information from EFE)


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